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Gerard had slipped out of his own clothes and was only in a pair of tight boxer-briefs. I felt comfortable as he snuggled in the bed next to me as the movie started. We had cups of coffee steaming in our hands, thankfully I also haven't been hacking up a storm. The movie was actually pretty scary. Some ghost movie I didn't know I had. Gerard giggled and held me whenever I jumped. My eyes were growing heavy as the movie was slowly coming to an end. I curled up into Gerard's chest and tried to keep my eyes open.

"Goodnight Oreo," Gerard kissed the top of my head. I yawned in response and smiled as his arms hugged me close. Thank god for the fact that it's only Friday night, or Saturday morning because I absolutely do not want to go to work the next day. No dreams haunted me, just Gerard's chest rising and falling under my cheek and his heart hammering in my ear. I loved the fact that his thumbs traced circles into my skin as we slept. That my face was tucked under his chin. Whenever he woke up, he'd kiss my forehead and go right back to sleep. The guy seemed to have nightmares every ten minutes, his heart would speed up and then he'd jerk awake. I'd wake up a bit with him every time until sunlight finally filtered through my curtains. He was already awake and lightly sweating. I yawned and stretched on his chest.

"Morning Gee," I rubbed my eyes and looked at him with my chin on his rib cage.

"Morning Oreo," he smiled. He didn't look too well.

"Are you okay? Did you get enough sleep? I knew you woke up a lot last night a-"Gerard pressed his finger over my lips.

"I'm fine babe, I just need some food in me." I sighed and rolled off of him. "No, come back here," I did while rolling my eyes. He dragged me up his body so our noses touched. He gave me that good morning kiss, making me accidently rub my hips against his. He bit onto my lip by accident and I pulled away from him.

"No, I don't need morning wood." I groaned. I pushed myself off the bed and walked to the kitchen. Gerard whistled after me, I waved it away. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"I'm going to go buy you breakfast." He called. I knocked my head on a cabinet.

"Fine," Clumsily I filled Sweet Pea's bowl and headed back into the bedroom. I fell onto Gerard, we both grunted.

"You are not a morning person I take it?"

"Fuck no, waking up at four everyday ruins that." I yawned again and propped myself up on my hand and traced random shapes on his skin.

"Aw," he ran fingers through his hair. "Can I pop out for a smoke?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You better put on some clothes so no one takes you," I flipped onto the bed.

"Don't worry, I can defend myself." I gave a one sided smile. Gerard sat on the side of the bed and I watched as he bent over to grab his clothes.



"Are we an actual thing? I don't want to just be, you know, a toy for you." He looked back at me with concern sketched in his features.

"I wouldn't treat anyone like a toy, of course we're something. For god's sake we slept in the same bed without having sex, that's an achievement." I laid on my back with my fingers together.

"What are we going to do today?"

"Go to my house so I can show you things." That made me perk up.

"Do you have a sex dungeon?" Gerard snorted and shook his head.

"I wish but this isn't 50 shades of Grey, maybe 50 shades of Way without the bdsm and weird shit." I laughed loudly at that and snorted as well. Gerard smiled back at me as I rolled with laughter. When I finally died down I rubbed my face.

"I mean, I wouldn't say no to being tied up if you're into that," I smirked. I watched his ears go pink.

"I'm not into that, I don't want to hurt you," His face darkened when he turned around to me. "That movie disgusts me and if you think I'd do any of that to you," he sighed, "sorry, I just can't." I swallowed back some awful joke and crawled to him.

"I was only joking, I'm sorry." He smiled but I couldn't see his eyes since they were covered by red strands. I hugged around his waist, my face pressed in his soft belly. Gerard stroked my hair, I also noticed he had pants on. "When the fuck did you put on those skinny pants?" I poked at them, they are extremely tight.

"While you were talking about 50 shades of Grey." I blushed.

"Right, I'll get dressed too then."

"You don't have to," Gerard said in a playful sing-song voice. I grabbed a pair of briefs and flung the boxers I have on at him. "You can definitely go like that," he nodded to my bare self. I quickly put on the briefs.

"Stop," I whined and opened the closet, careful to only open the side without my costume or suit. I have a thing for layers, I don't know why it's just a thing that happens. Knowing that, I tugged on a pair of black skinnies and picked out so many shirts. Too many goddamn shirts. I fell with a grey tee shirt, with a blueish/grey plaid thingy. Then I threw on a grey jacket with pins and patches on it. Gerard had already left the room and was in the living room with Sweet Pea. I laced on a pair of sneakers, just some black pair I guess. Doing a quick look in the mirror for my hair, outlining my top lid in eyeliner again, then I was in the living room watching Gerard playing with Sweet Pea.

"A whole new world," he was singing that song again and making the poor dog dance to it. I stifled a laugh.

"Nice one,"

"Can we take her with?" he stopped dancing Sweet Pea and looked up at me, his hazel eyes round like puppy dog eyes. I shook my head.

"She doesn't like the car, she thinks she's going to the vet."

"But we're notttttt," Gee squished Pea's face in his cheek. "And she loves me," the dog started licking his face, "see?" I groaned but didn't refuse.

"Fine," Gerard held Sweet Pea up with a smile.

"Look you're coming with us! I convinced the beast!"

"I'm not a beast," I frowned. Gerard leaned into me and kissed my cheek.

"I know, she doesn't." Gerard's fingers pried at my chin, I turned to look at him. "Nice eyeliner Oreo," I moved my face away blushing.

"Let's go pretty boy,"

"I should be calling you that today," he winked. I stuck out my tongue and went to the door.

"Are we leaving?" I glanced back at the redhead. He nodded and hugged Sweet Pea.

"On second thought, I don't know about Sweet Pea,"


Long time no see
What do you think is going to happen at Gerard's??
Vote and comment please! (I seriously feel like I'm demanding for that whenever I put it so...oops)//

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