
17 2 0

//small smut/detailed thing ahead btw//

The drive couldn't have been quicker. I could tell he was needy and restless as I drove. When we did finally park out front of my apartment, he took a swift glance at me.

"Can we watch a horror movie?" His voice was small. I dragged my eyes over to him when I unbuckled the seatbelt.

"Yeah, I have tons of 'em." Gerard grinned and pushed himself out of the car. I, on the other hand, lagged from sleepiness. Holding a hand to my face as I yawned, I slowly opened the car door. Gerard was standing there looking mildly concerned.

"Are you okay?" I yawned again and nodded.

"Just, tired." His lips twitched. Then his hands held under my back. I was too tired to have quick reflexes, whatever he's gonna do it's going to happen. So, he flipped me into his arms. I yawned into his chest, my face nuzzled in his jacket. Gerard chuckled to himself as he marched to the door.

"Oreo, keys?" he kissed my forehead, I fumbled in my pockets for the keys. Once my finger hooked them, I dangled them in his face. Another kiss, the corner of my mouth, he took the keys and unlocked the door. I twisted in his arms and held onto his shirt as he closed the door shut quietly behind us. I whined as he set me on the couch.

"There's a TV in the bedroom," I rubbed my nose as I looked up at him. He was redoing all the locks, he twisted to meet my gaze.

"Oh really? Why's that?"

"Cause the couch sucks," I slurred tiredly. Gerard laughed to himself.

"Okay, okay," He scooped me back into his arms after the final lock was done. Again, I pressed my face into his chest. His heartbeat thudded against my ear soothingly. I sighed in content, I might just fall asleep in his arms like this. A mattress was under my side soon enough. "Mind if I grab a movie?"

"N-no," I stifled a yawn. Through narrowed eyes, I saw him beam.

"I'll be back," His fingers ran down my hair to the side of my face. I smiled.

"You better," I muttered. He turned away, I heard him shifting through the cases. Another yawn opened my mouth. I curled up on the bed and grabbed a pillow. Soon, Gerard was back with a DVD case in his hand.

"Hey," the mattress dipped next to me, "we can do other things besides a movie if you want."

"Coffee pretty boy, coffee is the only thing that will keep me awake." I flipped to my back, "gimmie drugs Gee." Gerard snorted and laughed.

"Making me your slave on the first date?" he clicked his tongue playfully, "weirdo."



"Pretty boy,"

"I happen to like that one mind you," I laughed and rubbed my face.

"Good." Gerard scooted closer to me.

"Yes to coffee?" I nodded innocently.

"Please?" I whimpered, his smile widened. He leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. Then and there I regained my reflexes and moved my face up to actually kiss him. When our lips brushed, a laugh bubbled in Gerard's throat.

"Needy boy," he mumbled when we broke apart. I smiled cheekily with a blush blossoming on my cheeks.

"Aw, you love me, right?" My voice edged. Gerard peered back at me, an enormous grin.

"To the moon and back," he said softly before waltzing away for coffee. I smiled like an idiot. Like I do half of my goddamn life. Then I pushed my face in the mattress and groaned. "WHO THE FUCK IS IN THERE WITH YOU OREO? THOSE SOUNDS ARE FOR ME ONLY!" Gerard shouted from the kitchen. I snickered loudly and snorted in the process.

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