
14 1 0

The time rolled around for me to take a break. Jamia smiled at me and patted my back.

"Go calm down, I got you for half an hour." I widened my eyes.

"Half an hour? What? No, I'll be back in fifteen."

"Oreo, I know you're going to hang out with the guy you've been serving," I opened my mouth to protest but she shook her head. "Go away, you need a life." The hint of a smile made my heart tug.

"Thank you, thank you," I smiled at her and took off the apron. Hurriedly, I walked to his table. I saw strands of red hair over the short wall. My heart pounded. My mouth went dry as I turned the corner. His eyes glanced up at me immediately. His smile eased my anxiety.

"Hey Iero," his accented voice reached my ears like a wonderful melody. I waved, still grinning.

"Hello Way, uh, may I?" he nodded promptly, I pulled out the chair in front of him and sat down. My thighs bounced obnoxiously and I fumbled with my fingers.

"Are you okay?" His voice edged with worry, I nodded a bit too quickly.

"I, uh, yeah." My teeth scrapped on my bottom lip. Suddenly I reached out my hand, "I'm Frank, Frank Iero." Way's hazel eyes looked at me amused. His small mouth twitched into a smile as he took my hand.

"Gerard Way," I almost strained my ears to hear his name he said it so softly. I was busy taking in the feeling of his hand in mine. Soft, small, and warm. I relished it, I realized with a jolt in my chest. The smile on my face stretched as he let go of my hand. "So, your tattoos. They're really cool." I looked at my rolled up sleeves to see open skin. I even felt Gerard's heated gaze on my tattoos, anxiety flushed in my face again. Self cautiously, I pulled at my collar. "I'm sorry," he murmured quickly. I glanced up at him.

"No, no, it's okay." My chest ached for smoke. I swallowed it down forcefully. His hazel eyes watched me with concern.

"No you're not," his hand jabbed out and touched my hand. I flinched, "do you want to get some air?" I met his gaze and nodded slowly.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"It's fine, I need a smoke anyways." I sighed loudly with relief.

"Thank god," Gerard smiled at me again. "I can pay for your, uh, coffee." I said quickly.

"Hell no, I got it. I'll meet you out front alright?" A weight on my chest forced me to shake my head.

"I can wait for you in here," I insisted, he laughed and shrugged.

"Alright then, I won't fight with you Iero." He pushed out of his chair silently and held out his hand. "But we're doing it my way," I snorted.

"What's your way Mr. Way?" I watched his lips twitch up.

"Just take my hand." So I did. Thank god I did. His fingers laced with mine, I shuddered. This is a first. I've never been one of those guys who got everyone. I've had one girlfriend who was Jamia but we broke up because it was awkward. No guy's fingers ever intertwined with my tattooed ones. Sometime I think I just scare everyone with my tattoos. A hot blush was brightening my face and I let my hair fall over my eyes. Gerard was pulling me to the register to leave. I didn't look at Pete who was behind that cash register but I heard him chuckle.

"Nice catch Iero," I could see his smirk and I flipped him and his obnoxious blond hair off.

"Fuck off Pete," I heard shuffling and a small man was standing next to Pete. I glanced up to see Patrick glaring red faced.

"Damn Stump," I whistled low. He ignored it and took over Pete's job, a bright smile changed that man completely.

"Hey Gerard," he grinned. Way winked, I felt a small tug of jealousy but didn't let it any farther.

"Sup Patrick," Patrick simply smiled again when he gave Gerard his receipt.

"Have a good day," his blue eyes swerved to me, "I'll see you after your break Frank, you're lucky Jamia explained everything." He winked quickly before turning to Pete. Gerard's hand yanked me away to the door. I felt my heart start racing when his hazel eyes looked back at me, a smile playing on his small mouth.

"Where, what? I need to stay at the restaurant Way," I sputtered as he spun me in front of a small car. He shrugged.

"Suit yourself," He fumbled with his keys and unlocked the car, "are you coming?" I saw a flash of urging in his features. I sighed and nodded.

"Fine, I need to be back by," I checked my watch, "1:35." I confirmed. Gerard scoffed.

"That's like, an hour, let's go." Then his side of the car slammed shut. Hesitantly I looked at the restaurant. Behind where the cash register there's a small room, I saw the shutters from that room peek open. Jamia's smiling face nodded to me. I sucked in my lips with a big sigh and opened the car door. Gerard's pretty face was waiting for me. Red strands of hair hung in his face, hazel eyes round and small mouth perked in a smile. Tiny teeth showed, I bit my tongue as I crawled in the car. After slamming the car door shut and buckling, Gerard laughed. Something was placed between my fingers, I glanced down to see a lit cigarette. Hastily I raised it to my lips and took a relief filled breath. Relishing that taste of smoke and peppery nicotine on my tongue. I took the breath and kept it in, looking at Gerard. He mimicked blowing smoke and nodded. I blew out happily. When I looked at Gerard, I saw he was cigarette less and I did something without thinking it through.

"Want some?" I held the lit stick to him, he widened his eyes.

"We aren't even dating and we're sharing a smoke. Damn Iero," he winked and pressed his lips to the cigarette as it was in my fingers. His lips touched mine. His lips touched my fingers. His lips touched me, I almost screamed. He smiled at my stilled features of shock. His face got close to mine, and he blew his smoke on my neck. I swallowed thickly.

"I, uh, um." I stuttered and cleared my throat, "are we going anywhere?" I managed to say. His grin faded.

"If you want, I mean we can stay in here smoking."

"It's not healthy doing this without the windows open," his smile is leaving me.

"Right, sorry." He awkwardly rolled down a window.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly as he flicked ashes on the parking lot. A forced smile freshened his face.

"Nah its cool," he cleared his throat and licked his lips. Suddenly I took the cigarette from his loose fingers and took a small drag from it, my heart leaping. Gerard's gaze locked on mine as I blew my own grey swirls at his face. A smile cracked him. I gave him back the fire, he took a long drag as well. Then the thought of him kissing me with smoke in our mouths popped in my mind, I grew hot in multiple places. Way started laughing. I looked at him as his lips drew back into a heartwarming smile and a high sound of laugher burst from his throat.


"You're so cute when you blush," he held a smile with his hand as he looked back at me.

"How is, what?" I shook my head, "That's funny?" I snorted in laughter as well. Soon enough we were choking on our smoke and laughing like hyenas.


//sorry i havent been updating...yeah

well more gee!! yay//

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