
15 1 0

The day slips slowly. I wait for my name to be called to wait on someone. Ah, waiting to wait on, weird. I grinned when I heard Jamia's voice filter through my ears.

"Thanks babe!" I winked. She scoffed and waved me off.

"Just get the orders Frank, table 21." I nodded to her with a smile, she simple rolled her eyes. She flicked her short black hair in my face and walked away. I almost skipped to the table with my mini notebook in hand. I wiped my hands on my apron and smiled at the person sitting at the table by himself. He glanced up at me with a smile. A knitted scarf occupied his neck with a leather jacket on his shoulders. I noticed he had taken off a fuzzy hat with earflaps, it was on the corner of the chair he was leaning back on. I took a small look at his hair, bright red and hanging perfectly on his head. I swallowed a large comment as he closed the menu.

"Oh, hi," I smiled politely. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"Oh, right yeah, hi." He laughed tensely, I pulled out the note book again with a ballpoint pen. "What can I bring to you, err, get you?" He laughed again, a bit lighter.

"I'll just have a coffee," He handed me the menu, I scrunched my eyes.

"Is that all? Like no food?" Again, a laugh came from his small mouth.

"That's all, I'm not hungry." I blinked with raised eyebrows and smiled back.

"Alrighty, I'll just bring you a pot."

"Thanks, uh." I saw him look at my name tag funny.

"Iero," I helped, hopefully. His eyes flicked to mine, his mouth stretched to a wide smile.

"Way," He held out his hand, I shook it. I think there was a crazy blush on my face because he licked his lips, nodded, and turned away. I saw a faint smile playing on his lips. I swallowed hard again and nodded to myself. I almost spoke to him again but walked away quickly. I burst into the kitchen to Jamia. She was grinning like the cat that ate the canary.


"So he wants a pot of coffee, he can't say my last name, his last name is Way and he's pretty hot." I muttered to her. Her brown eyes looked at me amused.

"Aw little Oreo-"

"Just, let me get that coffee for the guy and stop." I muttered. I remembered the guy's light hazel eyes. He looked similar to Poison, but that's not possible. Jamia frowned before helping me set up the coffee machine to make a full pot. She eyed me as I watched the brown liquid fill the fat pot. My mind was turning wheels to guess what his first name could be. He could be a Tyler? Or maybe a Ryan, or Evan. He looks like an Evan. I pressed the button to stop the coffee.

"Hey are you okay?" I heard Jamia's voice next to my ear suddenly. I jumped and almost spilled the coffee. Her brown eyes were wide. "Frank, do you need a break?" Her voice dropped.

"I haven't smoked today," I confessed. She looked sympathetic but shook her head.

"I can give you a longer lunch break for one but what's going on with you?" Her voice was filled with worry. I shrugged.

"I literally have no idea." I murmured but in the back of my mind I know exactly why. That fucking Way guy and Poison Striker. That dream about Kaleidoscope Eyes and Python Hiss. I forced a smile to the black haired girl. "I'll just bring this to him with a cup." I grabbed a large pan and stacked the coffee pot on it with a cup, spoon and plate. Quickly, but carefully since I'm the clumsiest man in the world. Thank god the guy was seated just around the corner pf the wall that separates the entrance hall to the dining area. I caught glimpse of his red hair, my heart quickened. I didn't pick up my speed in case of an accident. Finally I reached him, he smiled up at me. I placed the coffee pot and set the plate with the cup on top in front of him. Then handed him the spoon. His face lifted and brightened once that coffee was in front of him. "Is anyone else coming? I can grab another cup?"

"Oh, not that I know of. Thanks though." A high jersey accent was built on his voice. I wanted to stay there and hear him talk for hours upon hours.

"Nothing else? Not even an orange or a strawberry?" He laughed beautifully. His face squished together and small teeth got light. His tongue even poked out. I felt weak in the knees.

"No, unless you'd like to bring me an apple. I don't think that's on the menu." I shrugged.

"I can get you some apple slices, if you really want them." He snorted and laughed again.

"No I'm okay, trust me." I quirked up the side of my mouth in a smile. My tongue rubbed my lip ring.

"Okay, would you like your check now or when you leave?"

"I can grab it when I leave, thank you." I nodded, still smiling like an idiot. I turned to leave but I heard my name. "Iero wait." I turned to see him smiling. "I like your tatts, mind if I look at them?" I widened my eyes and coughed, choking on the spit building in my mouth.

'I, uh am doing work. Stay till my break and then sure." His smile somehow widened more.

"I've got all day Iero," He sat up while he grabbed the pot and started pouring his drink. My throat went dry and I smiled to myself.

"Okay, see you then I guess." I made way back to the kitchen, an idiot's smile still plastered on my face.


//gerard is in media btw

Gerard is litterally so cute btw in that, just, look at his cute face honestly

ah gee

anyway, vote and comment!! Do you like Gerard too? And how do you say Iero?

bye frends...ill start on a one shot book soon!!//

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