14- The First Date

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Eva ^

A/N: Finally, amirite?

Wednesday after school was quite a different experience than what we were all used to. Today was the day to be at my house, but that wasn't what had changed.

The difference was that there were a bunch of girls here with us.

And it was weird.

To the girls that I had owed a message of location to, I had texted them during lunch my address and that it would probably take an hour once here. I also made a group chat for us guys and told them to do the same if they hadn't already.

So now we were all here, well y'know except for the two track people, and it was weird because there was a huge divide between the two genders.

I'm not sure if it was planned or not, but all of us guys were on one side of the living room, and the girls were on the other. Currently, Amanda was talking to mom in the kitchen, but I was hoping she would come in here soon and get this show on the road so that everyone could leave. Plus, River kept looking at his watch nervously, and I wanted to talk to him. But a room full of other people, half of which were girls we'd never met, wasn't really the right place for that sort of thing.

So we waited.

Finally, mom and Amanda came out of the kitchen. Mom looked like she'd been upset, but both were smiling now.

"Oh you poor people," mom said to the eighteen of us. "I remember when I was you."

Some of the girls looked confused, so Dakota briefly explained how there was a similar thing before this, and that she was a veteran.

"So," one of the girls branched out to ask (blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, I wasn't sure who she was), "does that mean you met your husband through this thing?"

"Does it matter?" Mom responded, the smile having dropped from her face.

The girl raised her eyebrows, looking away. "Guess not then," she said.

"Well there is one big difference," mom spoke again.

Amanda looked at her confused. "What's that?"

"You forced me into it. These girls voluntarily joined."

"Fine fine fine," Amanda said, pushing mom away. "Time for you to go though."

"Psh, I didn't want to talk to you anyway," I heard mom mutter as she walked out of the room. Geez, they're even bigger kids than I am most of the time.

"Anyway," Amanda cheered, clapping her hands together. "Let's get started, shall we?"

She went on to explain most of the same things to the girls as she had already proposed to us guys on Friday. There weren't any complaints, and the girls actually seemed to be pretty okay with what was going to happen.

The new thing my aunt added though, was that for the first level, she would only send out who dated who to the guys that day. That way, there wouldn't be any way for the girls to take the initiative (again, trying to get us out of our shells), and it would be a surprise for the girls. Which may or may not be a good thing, depending on how the girl felt.

The Girlfriend Games {Book Two}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon