15- You Want to What?

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Holland ^

I woke up on Friday quite happy, simply because the first date was done. It meant I could really do this! I will survive!

When I got the text during breakfast that I would be going out with a girl named Holland today, I wasn't even nervous!

Okay, pause.

That's a lie. I was still slightly terrified, because let's be honest, I am not good when it comes to girls.

But it was nice to fake a load of confidence for a little while while, yeah?

I could have sworn it was River's turn to drive today, but it was time to go and he hadn't shown up yet. So I said bye to mom and got in my car, heading to Riv's house. When I pulled in, his truck was still there. That's odd, I thought. He's never forgotten me before, ever. So maybe he'd just forgotten that it was his day to drive?

Making sure I had enough time, I jumped out of the car and ran up to the door. When I knocked, Riv's mother answered. And boy was she in a grouchy mood.

"What d'ya want?" she said in a gruff voice. Her robe looked like it had been hastily thrown over whatever she was wearing underneath, and it seemed like I had accidentally woken her up. A fact she seemed to take quite personally.

"Oh, sorry Ms. Collins, I was just wondering if River was here?" I was feeling uncomfortable, and started messing at the sides of the beanie I was wearing today.

"Oh, Levi, I didn't even recognize you," she told me; it wasn't unkindly, but it also wasn't warm. "Yeah, the boy already left, I don't know where to. Didn't even take his stupid truck. Hopefully he went to school so he can get an education, but somewhere for money wouldn't be too bad either."

I was somewhat baffled. She was talking about her kid like this? Her only son? He was my best friend too, which made matters even worse. But of course you can't tell off someone's mother, no matter how wrong she was, it wouldn't be right. So I told her to have a good day and rushed to school, hoping Riv would be there.

I found him sitting in a pretty well deserted hallway, his back against the lockers and his forehead resting on his knees. "Riv!" I jogged over to him, sitting down on one shin with the other knee folded to my chest when I got there. My hand immediately went to his shoulder. "River, you had me worried sick, what's the matter?"

When he looked up, it seemed like he was relieved to see me. But his eyes. The story they told. They were tinged a pinkish red and glistening, like he'd been crying. I didn't know what had happened or what was wrong, but for my best friend I was willing to murder who or whatever did this to him in that moment. A bit drastic, I may admit, but I hated seeing my friend like this. He who was so carefree now sat balled up on the school floor.

"Riv, man, you gotta tell me so I can help."

"Nothing's wrong," he choked out, trying to smile. It only half worked. I didn't know if I could keep letting him lie and pretend that everything was okay. I really didn't want to, but I was trying to yield to what he wanted. I wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer though. But for today, as he pulled himself together and moved to get us both standing to our feet, I sighed. I would let this go one more time.

I just hoped that the next time wouldn't be anything even more extreme.

"Does it have to do with your mother?" I asked, thinking back to her flippant manner when discussing the whereabouts of her child. River's big brown eyes looked towards me, but he said nothing. It was my confirmation. My confirmation, even as we walked away and towards the hallways were more people were, that it had been a home issue. Something so bad that it made him go to school early, so flustered he didn't even take his truck. He walked the whole way here.

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