24- Level Up

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Dakota ^

A/N: This chapter is long. Maybe you'll still love me even though I don't update consistently. 😅
I ❤️ you!
~Em 🔥

When River and I pulled up to Teddy's house, we could see that several people were already there. Walking closer, music could be heard from within. We figured it was like normal for us guys, so Riv and I went ahead and walked in without knocking.

The first person I saw—go figure—was Haja across the room. She saw me, I know she did, because her eyes grew wide and she immediately skirted away to a different room before I could call out for her to wait. Frustrated, I pulled on my hair twice before taking a deep breath. River patted my arm and said something quick before leaving to find Teddy. When I looked up again I noticed Kia in the center of the room, dancing around in a circle with one hand in the air. She looked like a goof, and I found myself smiling now as I walked over.

"Hey, hun," I called out as I got closer (I called her what?!), "what've you been drinking tonight?"

She laughed as she turned to face me, the hand that was in the air coming to brush her red hair away on the opposite side of her face before resting at her side. "Nothing but pure joy, Dimple," was her response. She started to dance over to me then, slightly offbeat of the music, reaching out to take my hand and make me dance with her. It was goofy but endearing, to say the least. "Join me!"

I whined a little but played along minimally. "I don't dance, Kia," I said seriously, but there was a smile on my face. What was going on here?

She hummed as if in thought. Suddenly a bit slower song came on and my eyes widened just as she grinned and pulled me closer. It wasn't super close, I suppose, but it was close enough to make my breath shallow. I had never danced with a girl before, much less to a slow song! I didn't know how to!

"I seem to remember Corbin Bleu saying those exact words, and he did just fine." I let out a shaky breath that was supposed to be a laugh but just displayed how nervous I was. "Hey," Kia said, much softer. "Just sway a little, okay? It's not that hard, just sway." I closed my eyes tight and forced a deep, smooth breath before letting it out and opening my eyes.

As I did I could see Aunt Amanda over Kia's shoulder standing by what looked to be a music stand, staring right at me. She grinned wide and gave me an enthusiastic double thumbs up. What? So she was behind the music change! I would have to have words with her later, I decided. For now I needed to focus on not making a complete fool of myself.

Soon enough the song sounded like it was coming to an end. Kia lead me to spin her out and then back in to wrap up in her own arms against me. She looked up at me a smiled for a moment before spinning back out just as the song ended. She dropped into a curtsy and said, "Thank you, good sir, for this dance."

I stood grinning like an idiot for a moment as she stood back straight before bowing in response. "The pleasure is all mine, m'lady," I replied.

"Oh!" She suddenly called, looking over my shoulder. "I see a friend I must run off to, but thanks for the dance!" I didn't have a chance to reply before she was gone across the room. Well that was certainly...interesting. Kia's character was definitely unmatched by anyone I had ever met before. I remembered that I wanted to talk to Amanda, but I didn't see her at the music stand and I realized I was thirsty. So I decided to get something to drink first before confronting my Aunt.

The Girlfriend Games {Book Two}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن