7- The Girlfriend Games?

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Austin, all grown up 😢 ^

It was finally Saturday! The good news: two whole days where I don't have to go to school and I get extra time to take on doing homework. I get to do pretty much anything! The bad news: Aunt Amanda and her brother were coming over for dinner.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Aunt and all, but...she can be a bit much to handle sometimes. And I also had a feeling that she was up to something. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but it was something.

I wasn't positive if we were still going to have dinner with the two of them as of last night though—mom reminded dad of the plans when he got home late (again) and things got heated. I knew us kids needed some time out of the house and it wasn't too late, so I wrote a note and we slipped out. Jackie's not quite old enough to drive (thank goodness, I don't think I'll trust her on the roads) and so we took my car to a frozen yogurt place in town. Luckily I had just enough money to get us all something, and we hung out there for an hourish before heading back home. The tension was kind of thick still, but since mom was cleaning up the guest bathroom, I knew Amanda and Austin were coming.

I decided there was enough time this morning for me to go ahead and start homework. Yeah, yeah: Homework in the morning?! Well, sometimes I just wanted the boring stuff done with. Soon enough I was done so I got to just relax in my room for a while after that.


Sometime later the doorbell rang and I heard mom answer it.

"Thera!" I heard what was basically a screech coming from (yes you guessed it, folks!) Aunt Amanda.

"Amanda, I saw you last week. You don't have to act like it's been ages." I could tell mom wasn't impressed as I made my way down the hall. Judging by the slight shift in noise, their party had made it to the living room. But what I didn't expect was the male voice coming from the living room also. I didn't remember ever meeting Aunt Amanda's brother. Austin had always been away at college, or busy with his job.

"Hey," he greeted as I walked in, "You must be Levi."

I nodded. "Yeah, your name's Austin, right?"

"Yep," he said with a smile. "I've known your mom for literally my whole life," he laughed. "It's crazy that she's got a kid in high school."

"Speaking of you in high school; Levi, did you hear the news?" Amanda asked. I honestly don't think she's took a breath since she arrived.

I tried my best to sound like I wasn't forcing enthusiasm. "No, what?" Mom nodded sympathetically when her friend wasn't watching. Goodness knows how many times she's had to be around her, though it's kind of odd to think of how different mom and her are. And they were still friends for so long? Tis a crazy world in which we live.

"Austin's gonna be a teacher at your school!" My hearing immediately zoned back in to listening, though I didn't quite process.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah," Austin answered with a shrug, "I've been at college to get my degree and I was really lucky to get a job so close to home and especially as fast as I did."

"That's great, little man!" Mom said, slapping his shoulder. "Now you can keep tabs on my kids." Austin raised his eyebrows as I groaned. "Oh, I was only teasing. Who do you take me for?"

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