5- Our Parents' Past

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River ^ (yesss I was so happy when I found this guy 👍)

"Dude, check it. Your parents look like our age in this!"

"Riv, you're not still watching those videos of The Boyfriend Games are you? That's creepy. That's my parents before they became my parents!" I was now seeing how much of a mistake it might be to have told River about this. The interesting part however, came when our friend Mason walked up in the lunchroom to catch what we were watching.

"Oh my gosh, is that my parents too?" Mason's eyes went wide, jaw slightly dropped. I laughed.

"Yup, and that's also why our parents are friends."

"See," River whined, "it's like video diaries, and your mom hates them Levi! It's so funny how snarky she is." Mason crowded in a little closer, looking to see what his parents were like back then too.

"They're both so chill, so... country." He looked like it was an odd concept for him, even though he and his three siblings all live with their parents on a ranch. They have huge stables and even give out riding lessons for their horses, while the cows are simply for themselves to tend to.

"Um, I don't want to concern you Mason," River started, placing a hand on Mason's shoulder, "but you're country too." Mason scoffed and shoved Riv's hand off.

"Not like that, you moron. Listen to them, they were even worse back then." River and I concentrated to the interview. In the lower right hand side of the screen was a subtitle with Maple, Mason's mom's name.

"Listen to that drawl," I commented, wiggling my eyebrows at Mason. He just groaned. His mom had pretty much lost her drawl from going to school for teaching. Whether or not it was intentional, I'm not sure, but it was still fairly gone.

"Sometimes it comes back out when she's really angry," Mason told us.

"Yelling at the cows?" River laughed. I smacked him for Mason. Sure, they were pretty country, but he was becoming overly obnoxious now.

It was quiet for a few moments at our lunch table before Mason changed subjects. "So whose house are we going to today again? I can never remember which day is where."

Hm, good question to ask. "Well it was supposed to be Greyson's, but I think he's still trying out for track." All three of us absentmindedly shook our heads at him. Just then, Teddy came back from the lunch line and sat down.

"Whaddup?" He chimed, smiling lopsidedly.

"Check it!" River started as soon as he sat down, pulling up one of the videos. "It's Lev's and Mase's parents."

Ted looked up with wide eyes. "This is how they met?" He asked me and Mason. We both nodded. "And they're still happily together?"

"Peachy keen," Mason responded. I hesitated for a moment—I mean, they'd been arguing a lot, but it was just a phase, right? Teddy didn't notice, but still continued.

"Bro, I wish I could be set up!"

River laughed, "You think any of us are in the position to? Nah, son."

"Okay true. Good point," Teddy conceded.

"Oh!" Mason interrupted suddenly, looking up from his phone. "You know The Place? They're selling chicken wings now, and it's only like five bucks for a tray of it! We should get that for after school, whoever's house we go to."

"I thought we were going to Grey's?" Ted questioned.

"He's got track afterschool for now," I pointed out.

River sighed. "Yeah, and I offer my place again, but you know my mom doesn't like big hang outs more than once a week." We all mumbled acknowledgment. I'd suggest going to my house, but I didn't know how my mom would feel about it.

"Hey, lemme just call my dad, I'm sure he'd be fine with it," Teddy offered.

"Oo yeah, I love getting to play with your dog," Mason proclaimed smiling. Teddy turned away for a moment to call his dad. Much like River, Teddy lived with only one parent. The difference was that Teddy's mom had past when he was very little; River's dad flat out left them when he was in 8th grade. It's still a sore topic for them both, but I think Ted can handle it a little better—after all, it wasn't her choice to leave them.

"He said yes, and we can get the chicken too."

"Chiickeeeeeeeen, yeahh!" Riv sang out, highly out of tune to whatever he was trying to do. I cringed.

"Yeah bud, why don't you leave that to the professionals?" I asked mockingly. He put a hand to his heart, as if in pain.

"You never stop hurting me, Levs." He topped it off by wiping a fake tear.

"Mmhm," I toned, shaking my head at my best friend. The rest of the school day went by fairly smoothly, and I actually aced a pop quiz in history. Guess it's a good thing I'd been studying from off and on. The end of the day brought my last class, and another time of seeing River. I was surprised that he could even focus for a whole class, but I guess that's the joy of electives—they can somehow kept you entertained, even though sometimes they're boring as crap. Finally, it was time to head over to Teddy's house.

It was my turn to drive in River and mine's carpool arrangement, so I turned up the volume to play some Bastille, and pulled out of the parking lot, trying to not laugh at Grey on the track this time. It was actually pretty hard.

We got to Teddy's just as a few of our other friends did, and we all got our backpacks and walked in.

"Hey Mr. Luchowski," some of us greeted Teddy's dad together. He laughed and replied with, "Hi, boys."

"Yo Mr. L," River called out, "Where's the poultry?"

"If by poultry you mean the basket of chicken, I believe my son is picking it up right now. But no, don't worry, make yourselves at home in my house without asking either of us." The glint in his eyes was mischievous, but he still made River's eyes widen in guilt momentarily. Mr. L smiled. "There's water in the fridge and sodas in the closet on the left of it. They're not cold so you'll have to pour them into a cup with ice if you want it that way."

"Thank you!" We told him, and with that he left us in his kitchen and living room to go to his workroom. My stomach growled. Talking about all the food made me hungry. Luckily, the front door opened a few minutes later and Teddy called out, "Have no fear! The chicken boy is here!"

And just like sensible teenage boys, we immediately dug in.

A/N: So, I have a general direction I'd like to go, but if there's anything you guys want to see just let me know! pLEASE I NEED IDEAZ


Em 🔥

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