1- My Weirdo Friends

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Btw I'm trying not to introduce everyone at the same time but it's hard so I'm sorry if it's confusing right now...


"Bro, you gonna come?" A click. "Or nah?" All I could do was groan at my best friend River.

"You promised, Collins," I whined with a frown, pulling my beanie further down over my light brown hair.

He just laughed at me. "Did you really think I was serious, Walker?" he mimicked me choosing his last name to call him by.

I contemplated. Well, he was always messing around anyways. I guess it shouldn't be that much of a surprise that he kept up his behavior. "Guess not," I finally agreed.

River impatiently glanced at his signature watch. "The dudes are waiting, if you're coming we need to leave." Holding back a sigh, I reluctantly stood up from my chair. School had just been dismissed, but I was lazy. River and our friends liked to hang out together afterwards, and this time we actually had school projects to work on.

"Who's coming today?" I asked as we headed towards the parking lot. Being juniors with cars most definitely had its perks.

"Ya know, the usual," he said with a small gesture. "Oh except not Grey, he's going to track tryouts to try and impress this girl."

I heaved an exaggerated sigh. If there was one thing this group didn't have, it was girlfriends. Some of us just weren't interested, others tried too hard...and there may or may not be one of us that's had a crush on one girl for forever and are just subtly waiting for her to notice them...

Stop looking at me!

I snapped clear from my thoughts as River elbowed me hard. "Bro—" I'm sure my face showed a deer-in-the-headlights look as River pointed out someone a little ways away in the parking lot. She was laughing with her friends, just looking so candid when River quickly pulled me along.

"Smooth one Lev, she almost caught you that time," he joked. I refused to acknowledge my heating cheeks. Wouldn't be the first time she has, I thought embarrassedly.

Luckily we were almost to the car. You can see the whole track and field from the parking lot, and River and I glanced over for Greyson. Bursting out laughing, I smacked River's arm to point out our friend, heaving and limping behind all of the guys and most of the girls. And I'm pretty sure that it was the warm-up lap.

"Idiot!" River laughed, running a hand through his dark brown hair. "The things he does to get girls."

"You say that like he actually gets a date out of the crap he does." I couldn't help but keep smiling at our un-athletic  friend.

River nodded his agreement as we both got in his car. "True." Another thing I considered a bonus was the fact that River and I lived on the same street. Therefore, we could carpool most days and take turns on who drove and spent gas money. As he turned the car on, his phone automatically synced to Bluetooth for him to start blaring music. Not 'obnoxiously' loud per say...just enough that those close to the road could hear as River pulled out of the parking lot, windows down.

The Girlfriend Games {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now