(Spring) Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

"That's because you are one! And that promise was also null and void when we made that bet," Gil bites his lower lip. "Seriously, where do you get that confidence in talking back to me? Have you no manners?" 

"Have you no manners?" Hinako raises an eyebrow. "Did your parents teach you to look down on others?"

"Did your parents teach you to answer back from someone who is superior like me?"

Hinako stops walking and glares at Gil. "My parents don't have anything to do with my attitude towards people like you. Leave my parents out of this."

Gil stops walking and looks at Hinako from behind. He was slowly boiling in anger. "You started it. And are you sure that your parents didn't teach you that attitude? Because to me, it looks like it!"

"Then, your parents look like they have taught their child so badly!" Hinako also stops walking, turning around to look at her senior with a frustrated expression. "What kind of parents are they, teaching their children to look down on others?"

"Your parents have the worst parenting, especially your mother!" Gil steps forward, his shout echoes throughout the empty hallway.

When Gil mentioned Hinako's mother, she stopped throwing words at him. She lowers her head and shook in anger. Gil, on the other hand, was furious. He looked at his underclassman with a very irritated face and it looks like he can go on forever with throwing words at her.

"My mom..." Hinako mutters.

"What? I can't hear you, you mongrel. Go on and give me your best shot!"

Hinako shoots up her head to look at Gil with tears streaming from her eyes. He was slightly taken back. "You don't know a thing or two about my mother! Shut up like you know everything! Shut up because you don't know me! You don't know what I'm going through!"

With all of her strength, Hinako threw the stack of papers she was carrying at Gil and it made him drop the ones that he was carrying. The brown-headed girl hurriedly runs away, trying to contain the tears that were uncontrollably flowing out of her eyes. She fled to the nearest staircase, making haste towards her own classroom. Gil was just shocked at what just happened that he remained standing on the same spot.

"Douji-san?! What happened?" A running Asura came to Gil with a worried face. "So much paper..." She looks at the scattered sheets.

Gil grit his teeth in anger. "You don't know a thing or two about me, too! Damn it!" Gil punched the wall that was behind him.


"Hey, what's going on here?" Itsuka arrives. He looks at a furious Gil.

May 11, 2016 - After School

"So, in other words, you two had a fight," Itsuka summarizes.

"Douji-san, how many times do we have to tell you to get along with Suzuhana-san?" Asura asks, worry in her eyes.

Gil rammed his fist onto the table in anger. "How can I get along with a person like that?!"

"Your personalities clash, I can tell. But, Douji-kun, if you just dropped that 'high and mighty' attitude towards people, you could actually get along with her, as well as the other students of this school."

"Yes, Itsuka-san is right. It seems to us that Suzuhana-san dislikes your attitude but not the entirety of you," Asura adds.

"Tch! What the hell does that supposed to mean? How can she like the entirety of me but dislike my attitude? That's quite wrong," Gil crosses his feet and his arms, lying back on his chair.

Fate/Stay Gakuen | Gilgamesh x OC: Hinako Suzuhana (AU)Where stories live. Discover now