Chapter 15-"Lima The Magical Unicorn"

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Chapter dedicated to lighthouselou

"Can I have a double scoop of mint chocolate chip please?" Harry handed the lady her money and took the ice cream cone from her hand with a polite thank you. He kitten licked the cold ice cream, not wanting to get a brain freeze. He spotted a bench nearby and sat down, the shade of the big oak tree comforting him. He focused his eyes on all the people passing by. A littler girl and her mother, a mother and her newborn; breastfeeding. Two kids on the playground screeching and pushing each other.

All of a sudden a bright purple light ripped open the blue sky above. It's radiating glow making Harry squint his eyes to see. Time seemed to stop, everything going in slow motion, the moms, the kids, the ice cream dripping down his hand. A horse head poked through the hole in the sky-well Harry thought it was a horse until he saw the cone like stick on the front of its head. He widened his eyes at the unicorn, wondering what the fuck was happening. 

The unicorn searched the crown until his gaze focused on the curly haired boy. The mythical creature flew down from the bright light, creating a rainbow path behind it. "Harry Styles." It was then that Harry got a good look at the unicorns face-very familiar. The brown poop eyes, the sweet innocent bean looking features.


"It is I, Lima Bean. The magical unicorn." Harry put a hand on his hip and licked a stripe across his ice cream. Liam licked the tip of his finger and then put it on his unicorn horn. Harry raised an eyebrow at him. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Liam closed his eyes and starts to hum very low, like he's meditating. He keeps his finger on his horn and it starts to shine-getting brighter and brighter. He opens his eyes and points his finger to the sky. "No! What are you doing?!" And while Harry is distracted by the horns light, Liam kicks Harry's ice cream cone on the sidewalk. Harry looks down with a pout,

"Dude! That cost me five bucks!"

"Harry, Harry." Liam tsk flying closer and grabbing the boys cheeks. He squishes them together causing the boys lips to purse. Harry furrows his eyebrow when Liam starts to hum again. "You're an idiot. You need to wake up."

"What? Are you gonna buy me another ice cream?" He manages to mumble because Liam still has his cheeks squished in his large hands.

Liam blinks then kicks the back of Harry's knees causing the boy to fall with a yelp. "Wake up! Wake up!" A piece of bread falls from the sky, but it grows arms and legs and starts jumping around. "Lima, master is waiting your return! Have you gotten rid of the enemy?"

"Niall?" Harry ask from the ground, still dazed because of his fall. The bread turns to look at Harry with wide eyes. "What the hell man? Lima you were supposed to eliminate him!"

Liam rubs his hand along his horn and belches really loud. "I know. And I was until you interrupted me." Harry sits up on his bum with wide eyes, a scared expression on his face.

"Woah, woah, woah. Eliminate?" He backs up with his hands out in front of him. "Maybe we can talk about this fellas..." He laughs nervously. Liam kicks his hind leg behind him and scratches his butt.

"You always mess up my missions, bread! I'm gonna make you toast! And not the good kind that's golden brown-I'm talkin the burnt shit you leave in the toaster for to long-"

"Are you done man," the bread cracks his knuckles with a sneer while Harry watches this scene unfold. "When I'm done with you, you're gonna be a motherfuckin horse! Yeah that's right! That horn is mine."

"You want my horn? I'll shove it up your ass! How bout that?" Niall grimaces.

"Gross bro. That's gay." Liam shrugs with a lip curl and then his giant fist connects with the breads face. Niall screams bloody murder looking at Harry pleadingly. The curly boy got up off the ground dusting his pants.

"What do I do?" He asks frantically running a hand through his curls. The bread kicks his bread legs for mercy.

"Wake the fuck up man!"


"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"


"Wake up!" Harry snaps his eyes open only to come face to face with Collin. The blonde boy smiles at his cousin and Harry shoves him off the bed.

"Wha? What's happening?" Collin picks his nose from his spot on the floor.

"I don't know, but I've been in here screaming for you to wake up for like five minutes!" Harry groans and rubs his forehead, trying to forget that horrible nightmare. He will never eat cold hot dogs right before bed ever again. "But Aunt Anne and Uncle Robin are in the living room waiting for you! He's gonna take me, Ariel, and Eve to the water park!"

Harry blinked and snuffed into his pillow. "Uncle Robin?"

"Yeah! Now c'mon, the sooner you get up, the sooner we can leave!" Collin jumps up and down then runs back into the living room. Harry sits up and blinks the sleep from his eyes.

"Never again."


Sure enough Anne and Robin both stood in the living room. Robin was holding Eve and making funny faces at the baby making her giggle and squeal. "Mom," Harry whined stomping on the floor like a five year old. Robin looks up from the baby and smiles at Harry-which the boy doesn't return. It's quite rude.

"Good morning baby, good night sleep?" Anne takes a coffee mug off the coffee table and brings it to the kitchen. Harry huffs and follows her. "Exactly. Why are you waking me up on Saturday morning? I need my beauty rest." Anne washes out the mug with soap and water, then proceeds to dry it with a red rag. She coos and rubs her sons cheek.

"You don't need beauty rest honey."

"And why is he here?" Anne rolls her eyes with a scoff and fold the rag back up on the faucet of the sink. "Harry you know how I feel about him. I know you're still not used to me dating yet, but I'm grown."

"Okay mom, I know that," he tugs at his curls and takes a seat at the kitchen table. "But just what makes him so special? Cause I don't see anything worthy about him yet." Anne sighs dreamily while taking the seat across from Harry. She grabs his hand in hers and rubs her thumb over his knuckles.

"We can talk about this later, now go get dressed. You and I are gonna run some errands today."

"But I want to go the water park," Harry whines. Anne chuckles and pats his head.

"Sorry baby, it's only for kids."


Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for the long ass wait for this chapter, but I hope you enjoy it. I'm double updating today so chapter 16 should be up in an hour or more.

Also this story was nominated for the boyxboyawards yesterday. If you'd like to vote for my story just go to the note before this chapter and all the information is on that boyxboyawards account that I tagged. There's only two more days-today and tomorrow so please vote. I'd appreciate it so so much.

Love ya all xxTymycexx

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