Chapter 11-"He's An Asshole Li"

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Chapter is dedicated to adidas for blowing up my nonfictions ❤️
I'm back guys, sorry for the long wait I just got home and basketball is grrrr...but anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank too so much for 1k reads!! Holy shit I never expected it, I don't know how to thank you guys.

Harry was confused. He had feelings for Louis, but he knew it was wrong. So so wrong, if anybody found out about what they were doing, it was all over. But Harry was falling for his coach even if he didn't know it. So when he found out that Louis has had a girlfriend this whole time, it may or may not have broken his heart.

It all started when Harry and Liam went to the mall-classic right? The pair was walking from the food court and just looking around. Harry was really excited since he had got his paycheck and now he could come to the mall and actually buy stuff. Liam on the other hand, spent all of his money on a hoverboard-which he doesn't know how to ride so it was pretty much a waste.

"I'm gonna learn!" He would exclaim, but Harry knew Liam-he wasn't gonna take time to learn. Deep down, Harry didn't want Lima to learn because it was the funniest thing to watch him fall on his ass when trying to ride it.

Harry's arms were full of bags. Well maybe not full of bags, but he had a lot of stuff. First he went to Dicks and got some cool new basketball socks, and he went to Old Navy for some t-shirts and joggers. Then Ariel wanted some dumb bubblegum lipstick that they only sell at Claire's-so of course Harry walked in the store to buy it, looking like an idiot.

"Harry slow down on the ice cream, jesus," Liam exclaimed taking a napkin and wiping Harry's chin for him, because Harry is a baby. Only he would order an ice cream cone and eat it bare with no napkin to protect the cone, and his hand. While Harry continued to eat like a five-year old and get the sticky substance all over his hands Liam stopped him. He grabbed his own napkins and wiped Harry's hands and face once again. "I'm not a baby," Harry whined through the whole process. Once he was done he pinched his cheek and they were on their way.

 Once he was done he pinched his cheek and they were on their way

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At first Harry did a double take. It was just Louis and some lady in a store for women. The women with him looked way to old to be a lover, but she did have similar features to the coach. His mom-that's who she is. But Harry's relief was soon vanished when the dressing room door opens and a beautiful girl walked out. She had dark complexion and frizzy Afro like hair. Louis said something to her, before she squealed and ran into his hug with a peck on the lips.

That's when everything froze. Louis kisses someone else? Harry and Louis weren't a thing-they couldn't be, but it still hurt to watch. All of the kind words said-not really-and things they did, Harry was really feeling something for his coach. Liam seemed to notice his friends absence of thought and waved a hand in front of his hand. "Harry mate?"

Liam looked to where his attention seemed to be captured and realization washed over him. Liam's eyes darkened at the scene playing out in front of him, how dare he? Hearing a small sniffle from behind-and of course Harry was crying. That was just a sad sight, watching Harry is cry is possibly the hardest thing ever-there was a reason why nobody ever upset the curly lad.

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