10. Cancelled

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10. Cancelled

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Tessa's POV

I look at the lab's wall clock and notice that there are only 17 minutes left until class ends. Thank God Mr Kernick was talking about the Chemistry experience we just spend the past hour or so doing, cough cough, because Chelsea and I finished it in less than 45 minutes. We didn't spend half the class pretending to be listening to him while admiring his perfect hair and/or his amazingly fit physique so we were able to finish it early and to be the only group who actually did anything decent... As it turns out we're going to have to turn in a report on it, by next Tuesday. What is that you ask? It nothing too important, they're only my potential weekend plans, going out the window!

I look around the room, since a certain someone isn't back yet, and see that everyone who's a girl or gay is practically drooling over him. I don't really understand it to be honest, yes he's hot, yes he's handsome (those are 2 very different things), yes he's in his late 20s which basically means that at least 3 people in this class are only a few years younger. Whereas if he was in school, as a student, I might have admired him but since he is n-o-t and he's a member of the faculty and not only that but he's also my freaking teacher... I am not even going to bother because it's not worth it. Nothing could ever happen between the 2 of us, or between him and anyone else in this stuffy and sulfur-smelling room.

Chelsea finally returns from the bathroom with a suspicious and huge smile on her face. She rushes back to our lab table and not-so-quietly pulls her bench closer to mine and jiggles my leg with her left hand.

She then whisper-yells, "guess what I just saw! I still can't believe my eyes!!" She's awfully excited about something, the question what the hell can happen in this high school that's such a huge event, one worth all of someone's undivided attention and every thought? She reacts like this sometimes, she's pretty cheerleader like when it comes to things like whatever this is. The thing is she's actually the head-cheerleader of the school, personality speaking of course.

"What are you talking about?? What happened, what did you see?" I give into her excitement and go along with her, partly due to my curiosity. Plus Chelsea is not only my lab partner but she's also my best friend which means I'm the one who listens to her many rants and gossip. In order for her to get this excited whatever news she was bringing had to somehow involve some kind of gossip. After all it is her favourite conversation topic...

I might have also blackmailed her a bit... The only thing that keeps her eyes off Professor Hotty is my voice screaming at her ears saying if she actually applied in this class she could go back to my place, or hers (with me obviously), and gossip and fangirl all she wanted as long as my ears remained intact when she was done.

Sometimes I wonder why we are still friends. Sure we met each other when we were in kindergarten but... We're not exactly alike. She's more immature and that girl... I'm pretty much invisible most times or too visible for the wrong reasons. Anyways, back into reality we go...

"Hey, did you hear what I just said??" Chelsea asks a bit upset while she shook me.

I notice Kernick was looking at us. Although he didn't scold us nor did he stop talking, I made Chels settle down a bit and after he got distracted by a student who was "needing some help", we continued our conversation, only this time a bit quieter.

"Keep it down a notch Chels, he's hot and all but he'll still kick us out of class!" After remembering my afternoon plans with Chris I add "and I'm really not in the mood for to waste a couple HOURS in freaking detention!" I lost my cool a bit, a lot, because she shouldn't get so easily excited and most times it's not even anything too awesome, surprisingly or different.

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