I see two guys that both Harry and I have never really talked to. They walk over to our old lunch table and Louis says somethings to them and then points in the direction Harry went. That's when everything comes together in my head. I run out of the line just as the slow lunch lady finishes my wrap. I run over to where Harry went and see those guys throwing punches at Harry.

"HEY STOP!" I yelling, pushing them away from Harry. He has a few bruises but nothing to bad. I help him up and grab on tightly to his hand.

"Girl are you insane!? He is a hybrid!" One of the guy yells at me. Harry looks hurt. I feel my self get angry. Very angry.

"The names Spencer not girl! And I know he is hybrid! But he is a good hybrid! All of them are. So if you could kindly leave and get your facts straight that would be great! Go f....oh god." That's when I begin to feel my vision black out. There is some intense pains coming from my head and arms. Before I know it I am hitting the ground hard.


I wake up in the nurses office. I see I am on the crappy uncomfortable bed. My head is still spinning as I attempt to at least sit up. I see I'm in a private room. Harry isn't there.

"Harry?" I say. But when it talk I feel like I might throw up. That's when the shooting pain in my arm returns. I gasp and cringe due to the pain. I feel around for where it's coming from. Maybe I got cut? Maybe I got like shot? I probably didn't get shot.

That's when my fingers come across the sore part. I feel something sort of sticking out of my back.

Jesus Christ maybe I was shot.

I pull on whatever is sticking out of my back. I want to scream in pain but I cover my mouth. I bring the object into my sights and stare at it confused.

It's a feather.

"What the hell?" I whisper to myself. A red feather is in my hand. There appears to be a little bit of blood on it. I put it in my pocket feeling confused. I pull my hands through my hair and thats when I feel the paint again. I see another feather in my hand that I must have just pulled out of my head. Great.

I pull my hair foreword and gasp when I see some feathers mixed in with my long red hair. Some red and some black and some blue. I start to get scared. What is this. I crack the door open a bit and see the nurse is still out there. I put my hair into a bun to hide the feathers that have suddenly decided to appear.

I get up and walk slowly out the door. She still hasn't heard me so I tip toe out of the room. And back into the hall. I see the school is empty. What time is it? I look up at the clock and see that it is 3:50 p.m. Why am I here so late. I check my phone and see multiple texts from Harry. A lot of them asking if I'm up yet and saying the nurse wouldn't let him in. Others saying that he wants me to meet him at his house once I come too. I'm probably not supposed to be trying seeing as I just passed out but whatever.

Then the pain returns in the back of my arms making me fall to my knees. I see the girls bathroom and I crawl in there and lock the door behind me. I push my self up using the sink and gasp when I look the mirror. I see a few different feathers sprouting on the back of my arms. I begin to cry and start ripping them out no matter how much it hurts.

I run to my van and get in. I see there is blood on my arm from ripping them out so much. What's happening to me? I don't understand. I can't fathom what's going on, I literally have no explanation. I drive past Harry's house and continue speeding to the apartment in staying at, which is my aunt and uncles. I don't want Harry to see me like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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