Chapter 27

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A/N Hey guys, so I have internet again! Woo! I apologize for not updating in basically years. I will try not to be such a horrible person in the future. Geez. It’s not ok. It’s been wayyy too long. So I’m sorry. Also this chapter is dedicated to horse_madx because she sent me a lovely message (: Anyways, here’s chapter 27. Please vote, comment, fan, ya know. Enjoy! (: xx

Zayn’s POV

Liam and I made out for a long time. I really needed to breathe, but I couldn’t bring myself to pull away. His tongue entered my mouth, and I moaned slightly. This was so worth the beating I got. I pulled him a little closer and just enjoyed the kiss until someone coughed. I reluctantly pulled away and looked towards the door. Harry, Niall, and Louis all stood there. Niall was grinning cheekily, Louis was wiggling his eyebrows at me, and Harry just looked relieved.

“Um…hey guys,” I said, glancing sheepishly up at Liam. He face was bright red, and I smiled at the sight. He is so cute.

“Are you ok?” Harry questioned me, barely paying any attention to Liam as he came to stand next to me. I nodded.

“Yeah. ‘M fine,” I assured him. Harry nodded and then he got slightly annoyed.

“What the hell is wrong with you, you dick? I thought you DIED!” he wailed, and I blushed, avoiding Liam’s gaze.

“I uh…I mean…I just had to erm…fix some stuff,” I told him. He frowned at me.

“Fix some stuff? If you ever do anything like that again, I will personally kill you,” he informed me sternly. I nodded. Liam grabbed my hand and I looked up at him.

“Promise you won’t do anything else?” he asked, and he looked so concerned that I think my heart actually melted a little bit.

“Uh…not really…” I muttered vaguely. I wasn’t promising anything. What if his dad somehow got out of the charges? I wasn’t going to let him hurt Liam. A moment later Liam was right in my face and I gulped.

“Listen to me Zayn. I don’t care about my father. I can live with anything he does to me. I can’t live with you being hurt because of him. I don’t care what happens now. You have to promise that you aren’t going to try anything else,” he whispered without breaking eye contact. I couldn’t take it so I nodded.

“Out loud, babe,” he smiled, and I felt my face heat up.

“I-I promise.”

“Thanks,” he whispered again, giving me a quick kiss.

Niall coughed awkwardly and he backed up a bit, face flushing red again. Louis, Harry, and Niall all came forward and hugged me, crowding around my bed. They stayed with me for hours, just talking and laughing, and it was pretty great. I can honestly say what I did was worth it. I know Liam’s not done talking about it, but I don’t care. As long as he’s safe he can say whatever he wants. I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I looked at the boys around me. Sure, I was in a little bit of pain, but it didn’t matter, not when everything turned out like this. This, this is perfect.

Harry’s POV

After we left the hospital, Louis dropped Niall and I back at my house. I was so relieved that Zayn was ok I just felt like skipping around the whole neighborhood. I didn’t though. Instead I dropped myself on the couch, sighing loudly.

A moment later Niall collapsed on top of me. Louis poked his head in the door.

“Already picked up where you left off, have you?” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. Niall blushed and climbed off of me.

“Get out of my house, Tomlinson!” I yelled at him, and he just laughed.

“Right. Sorry, boys. Don’t forget to use a condom!” He yelled as he slammed the door. I threw a pillow, but he was too quick, and it smacked uselessly into the door.

Niall snuggled into my side and I pulled him into a hug. I looked down at him and was struck again by how beautiful he was. He was so adorable, and yet sexy. His hair was all over the place right now, but his face looked so peaceful. I smiled down at him fondly. This boy…

“Hey Ni?” I asked him, running my fingers softly through his hair.

“Yeah?” he questioned me, not even looking up, just nuzzling his face further into my shirt.

“I just…want you to know that…well, I’d do the same for you…” I told him, trailing off.

“The same as what Harreh?” he asked, looking up at me now. I avoided his eyes, suddenly wishing I hadn’t said anything. He poked my cheek.

“Tell me, pleeease?” he made a puppy dog face at me. I couldn’t resist, and I smiled at him, pecking him on the cheek.

“I mean, I’d do what Zayn did for Liam…for you. Because…I-I care about you, so much Niall. I can’t…I don’t know how to…I just wanted to tell you that,” I finished unable to find the right words. I knew what I felt, what I meant, but I couldn’t say that yet. It was too soon. I’ve never felt that before, but I’ve never felt like this before either. All I know is that Niall…well, I’d do just about anything for him.

“Oh Harry,” Niall breathed before he pulled me into a bone-crushingly tight hug. He pulled back and looked straight in my eyes, holding my face gently in place so I couldn’t avoid it.

“I’d do that for you too, and so much more…I really care about you Harry. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before, and I know that’s a really clichéd line, but it’s true. I can’t believe how much you mean to me…I just wanted you to know that,” he finished with a smile. I smiled right back at him and leaned in to kiss him. It wasn’t heated like before. It was sweet, full of love. It wasn’t going anywhere; it was just each of us showing the other how much we cared.

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