Chapter 3

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A/N So I think somebody actually read this, and I'm really excited. Anyways, here's chapter 3. It's kinda short so sorry, but I've been at the beach so I didn't have a lot of time to write. Enjoy! (:

Chapter 3

“Hey Harry,” Liam answered, still sounding slightly out of breath.

“Hey, Liam,” Harry answered, sounding a bit unsure. We heard him cough and then continue.

“Did you need something?” Liam and I looked at each other, and he grinned back at me.

“No, why?” he inquired. Harry sighed and I could almost see him shaking his head.

“Nothing, I just thought I got a call from you. It must have been someone else though. Sorry.”

“No worries, man,” Liam told him. I rolled my eyes at him. He thinks he’s being so subtle…what an idiot. I smacked him upside the head and he bit back a yelp, not wanting Harry to hear.

“So, uh, Liam?” Harry’s voice suddenly sounded more serious than before.

“Yeah?” Liam quirked his eyebrows at me in his, “What the hell could he possibly want?” expression. I rolled my eyes at him and pointed to the phone, telling him to shut up and pay attention.
“Can I ask you something?” I’d never heard Harry sound so unsure of himself. Interesting…a whole new side of him for me to crush on.

“Sure, man, anything.”

“Well,” he paused. “You know Niall Horan, right?” Liam smirked at me before answering.

“Of course, he’s my best mate!” Liam grinned cheekily at me, trying to get me to smile, but I bit the inside of my lip. I would not give in that easily.

“Well…he’s gay right?” I rolled my eyes dramatically. Like anyone in the school didn’t know I was gay. I was out and proud, and everybody knew that.

“He is,” Liam answered patiently.

“And, you’re gay?” Harry continued. This is going somewhere…I can feel it!

“Yeah…” Liam answered slowly, drawing it out, asking for an explanation of some kind.

“You guys seem pretty close,” Harry stated, again, not really getting to the point, whatever it was.

“We are,” Liam answered as he reached over to pinch my cheek.

“We’ve been best mates since we were 6. We just really enjoy each other’s company. We’re closer than brothers really, and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make him happy.” Liam smiled at me again, and this time I smiled back, because it was true. We were really that close, and I felt the same way. I’d do anything for Liam.

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