Chapter 4

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I woke to my alarm clock blaring in my ear and I rolled over to shut it off, but instead I rolled into a body. Thankfully, a warm body, so at least I knew they weren’t dead, but then I came to my senses and began to panic because WHO THE HELL IS IN MY BED?! I ripped off the covers and breathed a sigh of relief. It was just Liam.

“Getoffme,” he mumbled and then pulled the sheet back over himself before rolling over to sleep some more. I glared at him, yanked the sheet back off and then launched myself onto him so I could reach the alarm.

His eyes shot open the second I landed on top of him, and he glared up at me.

“What the hell are you doing Niall?” he asked grumpily. I rolled my eyes at him and then had a brilliant idea. His arms are pinned down…I reached out and pinched his cheek before talking in a baby voice to him.

“Aww, wittle Liam wants to go beddy bye? Well that’s just too bad, because wittle baby Liam has to get up for school now.”

He grumbled at me and shoved me off of him. I grabbed him by the shoulders and we both ended up on the floor laughing our asses off. We got ready amidst a lot of shoving each other around and finally made it down for breakfast.

My mum stood at the counter making pancakes, and her eyebrows rose in surprise.

“Liam. I wasn’t expecting you to still be here.”

Liam, being the adorable puppy that he is, blushed very red and began mumbling apologies. My mum just laughed at him and told him to shut up and sit down. You’d think he’d know by now that he’s welcome here whenever he wants. Heck, my mum would gladly adopt him she loves him so much.

We sat down to eat quickly, since we were going to be late due to our messing around earlier. We finally made it out the door, and we began walking towards school. We just talked about random stuff for a while, occasionally lapsing into a comfortable silence. That’s one of the best things about our friendship. We can just be quiet. I like that.

In the midst of a quiet moment, Liam grabbed my hand, weaving my fingers between his and swinging our arms like a child. I looked at him confusedly, but he just nodded his head down the road, and I saw Harry outside his house, retrieving the paper. He was still in his pajamas, and by pajamas I mean sweats and nothing else. I distracted myself from the sight of his bare torso by envying his black range rover. I sighed. It must be nice to have the luxury of a car. I’d be able to sleep longer, eat more food. I sighed dreamily and Liam just laughed at me. He didn’t even bother to ask. How rude.

He laughed again, a little louder, and I thought, a bit fake, but I realized it was for Harry’s benefit as he swung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I wrapped my arm around his waist and attempted to snuggle into him while we walked. Harry had now stopped dead in his tracks, standing with his front door half open, staring at us. We pretended we didn’t see him, which wasn’t hard, since we were still a few houses down from his.

We continued walking, acting all cutesy, until we were in front of the house next to Harry’s. Liam pulled me around to face him and just looked at me, before pulling me into a long hug. At least I thought it was a hug until I felt his wet tongue on my neck. He sucked and bit in that one spot and I couldn’t suppress my moan. Liam chuckled lowly in my ear.

“A little bit louder, Ni.” He began sucking on my earlobe, and I moaned again, louder this time. Could Harry even hear me from that far away?

Liam had moved back to my neck. I would definitely have a love bite there in a while. His hands were roaming up and down my back, so I tangled mine in his hair, tilting my head to the side to give him more room. My back was facing Harry, so I wasn’t sure, but I guess he was still watching us, because after another 30 seconds or so, Liam grabbed my ass with both hands.

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