Chapter 18

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A/N Hello there all you lovely people. I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading (: I’m going to try to make this a bit longer than the last few chapters. Here is chapter 18. Enjoy! (: xx                                              

Liam’s POV

To be honest, when Harry approached me, I was scared. Actually I was preparing myself to get hit again, bracing myself so that at least I wouldn’t fall down this time. I almost fell over anyway when he apologized. He told me he wanted to be friends again and pretend like nothing had ever happened. I felt my eyebrows furrow in confusion. Something fishy is going on here. Harry smiled cheerily and walked away. I just frowned after him. I have to find Niall.

I scanned the hallway quickly, but was unable to find him. There were no blond boys in sight. Had I really been talking to Harry that long? Whatever. It’ll just have to wait until lunch. I started walking towards my classroom, but then decided to take a slight detour into the bathroom. I was about to open the door when I heard a familiar deep voice speaking.

“Ok, I did it. I apologized and said I wanted to be friends,” he sounded proud of himself. Another person spoke up, and I scowled as I recognized this voice as well.

“Alright, good job Haz. Now, all we have to do is wait until lunch. We’ll sit with them, and then you flirt with Liam. It’ll drive Niall mad.” My frown deepened. I knew something wasn’t right about this.

“Alright…but couldn’t I just like ask Niall out or something? That seems easier and then Niall wouldn’t get hurt,” Harry spoke again. Well at least one of them is thinking straight. I smirked to myself. Ha. Straight. They’re about as straight as Harry’s hair. I heard Zayn sigh in exasperation.

“Look Harry, I know you don’t get it, but this will work, trust me. Liam’s not gonna let Niall just go out with you after what you did this morning. You overreacted and scared the shit out of both of them. Liam’s too protective of Niall to let him into a relationship like that, so you need to act like you like Liam for two reasons. First, it’s a good way to show them both that you can be a regular person and not an angry screaming idiot. Second, it’ll make Niall insanely jealous, and he’ll probably ask you out, which Liam will allow since he’s initiating it,” Zayn explained all of this in an “I know more than you do,” kind of tone, the kind teachers use when trying to teach something that they know the students won’t understand.

Out in the hallway I was fuming. How dare he?! He’s trying to manipulate all of us, and I still don’t see why! What does he get out of this? I almost stormed into the bathroom to kill Zayn, but I didn’t. I had to tell Niall this. Kicking Zayn’s meddling ass could wait till later. Also, although I wouldn’t admit it to myself, I was having a hard time being mad at Zayn. I liked him too much. And who knows? Maybe he really is doing this because he thinks it’s best for everyone involved. I snorted and quickly clapped a hand over my mouth.

“And besides all of that,” Zayn spoke again, much quieter. I had to lean towards the door to hear him.

“Maybe…if Liam thinks you’re interested in him…he’ll realize how amazing he is. He’ll know what kind of person he deserves. I frowned in confusion. What?

“What?” Harry asked, clearly as befuddled as I was.

“I thought the plan was supposed to get Liam and you together?” he questioned again, perplexing me even further. How is that plan supposed to make me like Zayn? I don’t get it. I heard a loud sigh and then Zayn spoke again. I could picture him running his hands through his hair in frustration as he spoke. I’ve spent too much time on that boy.

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