Chapter 23

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A/N Hey guys, so here’s a little bit of the Narry I promised you. Thanks for reading, please vote, comment, etc. Thank you for all the amazing comments. They make me smile, and yeah. I love you guys. Here’s chapter 23. I tried to make it extra long. Enjoy! (: xx

Harry’s POV

It’s been slightly over an hour since practice ended and Niall and I are sitting in my car. Don’t look at me like that, we didn’t do anything but make out. Ok so maybe we were both shirtless by the end of it…Ok fine. I would’ve maybe gone further but his phone rang. It was his mum wanting to know where he was, so he just said practice ran late while we both hurriedly put our clothes back on.

We walked to my car in a tense silence. I just had no idea what to say. When we reached my car I opened the passenger door for him, but he didn’t get in. I looked at him questioningly and he stepped away from the car.

“Niall, what’s wrong?” What did I do wrong? Did he not like it? Was he using me? Oh god. He doesn’t actually like me.

“I—you don’t have to do that Harry. I promise I won’t tell anyone what happened. You don’t have to worry about your reputation,” he said quietly, shuffling his feet and looking at the ground. I almost laughed with relief when he finished talking, but I didn’t.

“Niall,” I stepped up to him and gently forced him to look at me.

“I don’t regret what happened. I’ve wanted that for a long time, and I don’t give a damn about my reputation,” I began, but he interrupted me.

“But Harry! Everyone will think you’re gay, they’ll call you horrible names, and—” I cut him off by pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth. I pulled away and examined his face. He still looked a bit unsure. I chuckled softly because he just looked so damn cute.

“Niall, I don’t care about any of that. No one’s going to mess with me, and if they do, it’ll be worth it, because I’ll have you.” His whole face lit up when I said that, so I took a deep breath and got down on one knee, holding one of his hands in mine.

“Niall Whateveryourmiddlenameis Horan, I really like you and I want you to be mine. Will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?” I asked hopefully. He just stood there for a minute not moving, or saying anything, just gaping back at me, mouth wide open.

“Erm…Niall?” I asked him after another moment. A slow grin spread across his face.

“James,” he told me.

“Um…sorry?” I asked.

“You should know your boyfriend’s middle name,” he answered, smiling happily. It took a moment for the meaning of his words to sink in, but then I jumped to my feet grinning hugely. I pulled him into a huge hug before pulling back and kissing him deeply. He responded almost instantly, and we spent the next few minutes kissing until I pulled away, pausing to catch my breath. He frowned slightly, but I just chuckled and pecked him on the nose.

“Your mum’s expecting you home, babe,” I told him gently. He smiled when I called him babe, and I grinned back. I couldn’t help it. I love that I can make him smile with something so simple.

“Right…we should probably go,” he responded sheepishly as his cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink. I nodded and motioned for him to get into the car. He hopped inside and I went around to the driver’s side.

I climbed in and immediately leaned over, grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a long kiss. I love that I can do that whenever I want to now. Take that Liam. I frowned as I thought of Liam but cheered up when Niall placed a hand on my knee as I drove. Liam doesn’t matter. Niall is finally mine, and I am not letting him go.

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