Chapter 25

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A/N Hey guys, I can’t believe we’re up to chapter 25 already. It’s a little bit insane. Anyways, thank you all for the lovely comments and everything. Please vote and comment and stuff. Have a Extraordinarry day. Enjoy! (: xx

Niall’s POV

My mouth went dry as Louis said that we had to go to the police station because of Liam’s father. My mind immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. What if he killed him? What if Liam’s gone and I never see him again? What if he’s in a coma and he gets amnesia and he doesn’t have any idea who I am? What if he hates me? What if—

“Calm down, Niall,” Louis told me soothingly, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and I guess he knew that I wasn’t going to calm down because he pulled me into a hug.

“He’s fine, lad. Liam is not hurt. Everything is ok,” he told me. I nodded and sniffed. I pulled away when I saw Harry glaring at Louis’s back. A thought occurred to me. He said Zayn sent him…

“What about Zayn?” I asked him, and he shifted awkwardly on his feet. Harry realized what I was getting at and immediately his face turned from annoyed to panic-stricken.

“Is Zayn ok?” he asked, and Louis avoided the question a bit.

“He’s uh…been better,” he fumbled, and Harry pulled him into a hug.

“It’s ok, Lou, but I need you to tell me what happened,” he soothed. Louis nodded.

“Zayn’s um…in the hospital…I think because of Liam’s dad…I don’t know…he just said take you guys to the police station so they could interview you…some sort of shit about witnesses?” Harry’s face paled and I didn’t blame him. I helped him to the couch as his knees were noticeably shaky. I can’t believe this. Zayn’s in hospital…who knows how hurt he is…Liam’s father…what the hell happened?

I snapped out of it and stood decisively. I put my clothes back on and handed Harry’s to him, as he was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

“Come on, Harry,” I told him gently.

“We have to see what’s going on.” He nodded and dressed himself. A few minutes later we were all in Louis’s car on the way to the police station. No one was talking much; we were all too worried.

Zayn’s POV

I left Liam in the locker room, grinning happily. I can’t believe he said yes! I’m going on a date with Liam Payne! This is the best day of my life. I have to take care of something first. That something is Liam’s father. He is not going to continue treating Liam like this, not if I can do anything about it.

I’d been thinking about it for a while, ever since I saw Liam’s dad hit him. I think I’d finally come up with a way to fix this. Sure it wasn’t a foolproof plan, but there’s no such thing, and this is as good as I can do on my own anyway.

I slowed down as I approached Liam’s house. I peeked in the window to the den, making sure that his father was there, and that he was conscious. Check and check. Proceed with the plan. I stepped away from the window and called the police.

“Y-yes, hello, my name’s Zayn...there’s a man threatening to attack me…” I made my voice sound scared as I rattled off Liam’s address and a description of the man, detailing everything Liam’s father was wearing.

I then walked up on the porch and rang the doorbell. I heard heavy footsteps coming closer and I braced myself for what was about to happen.

The door swung open and I was face to face with the most disgusting man I’ve ever seen.

“Who the hell are you?” he slurred.

“I’m a friend of Liam’s,” I told him confidently. He blinked in confusion before he laughed evilly.

“That little faggot? He doesn’t have friends,” he roared, and I frowned.

“Well, he’s got me. And he told me what you did to him,” I threatened. The man’s demeanor changed. He stood up taller and glared at me, stepping forward. He walked menacingly towards me as I backed up slowly until I was in the street.

“I didn’t do anything to that little shit, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your fucking mouth shut,” he warned, pointing a fat dirty finger into my face. I stared back at him with hard eyes, but I cheered mentally because it was working so far. He was no longer on his own property. Now for the final step.

“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” I challenged, and that’s when he snapped. He threw a hard punch into my face and I felt my nose break. I wiped the blood away before laughing at him.

“Is that the best you’ve got?” I taunted. The man howled in anger and launched himself at me, raining blows on my body. He threw me to the ground and repeatedly kicked my ribs and head. I curled in on myself, trying to ignore the pain, knowing it would be worth it.

The pain became too much a moment later when he stepped on my leg. I felt it snap and lifted my head long enough to notice two things. The first was the knife he now had in his hand. The second was the police officer advancing on him, gun drawn. It became too painful to keep my eyes open, and I drifted willingly off into the blackness, knowing that my plan had worked. Liam would be safe now.

I awoke in a white room. For half a second I thought I’d died, but then I seriously doubted that I’d be in heaven, so I took another look. After seeing all the machines next to my bed, I determined that I was in a hospital. So I definitely didn’t die, then.

Wait! How long have I been out? What if it’s too late? I sighed in relief as a nurse walked into my room.

“Can I have my phone please?” I asked flirtatiously. What? She was young, and if she thought I was interested, maybe she’d do what I wanted. She winked back at me and returned moments later with my phone. As she handed it to me, she purposely grazed our fingers together.

“There you are,” she said, smiling sweetly. I smiled back until she left the room and then I texted Louis as fast as I could.

To Lou: Lou, I need you to get Harry and Niall to the police station asap. Witnesses against liam’s dad. Don’t ask. Just do it.  

I hit send and waited impatiently for a reply. Moments later my phone beeped and I opened the message hurriedly.

From Lou: Got it. On my way. Where r u?

To Lou: hospital. I’m fine. Long story. Tell u later

From Lou: Kk get better fast. Be there to visit later xx

To Lou: thanks lou. U r the best xx

I leaned back in my bed and relaxed. Maybe everything will work out. Liam will be safe, and he’ll be mine…I can’t ask for anything more than that. I smiled happily as I laid back and closed my eyes. I was dead tired, and if Liam came to visit later, well, I wanted to be awake for that.

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