Chapter 10

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A/N Hey guys quick question. Which bromance should I do for my next story? Zayn is the main character. Let me know in the comments, please vote and whatever. Thanks! I can't believe this is at 10 chapters already. It's crazy. Enjoy! J

Niall’s POV

School was just the same as usual all day. I didn’t see Harry at all, and I was starting to think that he’d been lying about wanting to be friends. Of course he was lying, Niall you idiot! Why in the hell would he want to be friends with you? I sighed as I sat down with my lunch. Liam sat down next to me shortly after. I proceeded to stuff my face as Liam laughed at me. He thinks it’s so funny. I’d like to see how he looks after he’s been starving to death all day.

“Hey Niall, Liam,” a deep voice said. I looked up so fast I got whiplash. Harry Styles just sat down next to me. HOLY SHIT NIALL! HARRY IS SITTING WITH YOU AT LUNCH!! I took a moment to calm myself down, attempting to hide my shock and confusion before I spoke.

“Uh, hey Harry,” I smiled. A moment later Louis and Zayn also sat down. Louis sat down on the other side of Harry while Zayn sat down next to Liam, pushing his chair very close to Liam’s. I held back a laugh as he licked his lips, eyeing Liam appreciatively, and Liam choked on his burger.

“Woah, woah, you alright there, mate?” Zayn questioned, patting his back gently. Liam glared at him as he swallowed.

“Yeah I’m fine thanks,” he responded coldly and Zayn put his hands up in mock surrender. In all fairness, he did make the lad choke, but I still felt a bit sorry for him. Liam doesn’t generally glare at people like that. Except for me of course. I guess I’m just special that way. Lucky me.

Liam and Zayn were now engaged in some sort of weird staring match, so I turned my attention back to my food. It is my one true love. I heard a snort and looked up, focusing on Louis, whose expression made it clear that he was responsible for the noise.

“Yes?” I asked him.

“You hungry there Niall?” he laughed some more, and now even Harry was smiling broadly. I pouted. Why must everyone make fun of me when I eat?

“Yes I am!” I defended myself. “I’ve been starving all day, and I’ll thank you to not judge me for enjoying my lunch,” I ended sassily. Louis laughed again before pretending to bow to me.

“As you wish, princess,” he smirked at me, and I glared at him, looking as menacing as it is possible to look when your mouth is stuffed with cheeseburger and there’s a piece of lettuce stuck to your chin. Everyone’s attention was now on me, and they were all laughing at me. I pouted again, and that just sent them all into more gales of laughter. Seriously, is my face really that hysterical?

Liam chose that moment to grab a napkin and gently wipe my face off. It would have come off as loving had I not felt like a 5 year old whose parents have to clean them up after every meal. I think Liam intended it that way though, because Harry stopped laughing, looking annoyed. Louis just looked uncomfortable, and Zayn was staring at me as if I was a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle and he just had to figure me out. I gulped down the rest of my burger, trying not to notice the awkward silence that had just fallen. I’ll leave this to Liam to sort out. I blame him for being such a clean freak that he couldn’t let me wipe my own face. Whatever. His problem. I shrugged and carried on eating my lunch.

After I finished I glanced over at Harry. He had barely eaten anything off his tray.

“Not hungry?” I asked him. He looked up at me startled before shaking his head.

“Nah, not really,” his curls bounced as he spoke. I tore my eyes away from his hair long enough to come up with a way to continue the conversation.

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