Chapter 5

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I woke up feeling groggy and soar from being tested on. Jeb had saved us from those evil wackos aka scientists. Jeb said we were gonna live with 6 other people who were also tested on. He didn't tell us what their names were, but he did tell us that they had wings! Yup wings! Me and the other guys in the van don't have any extra parts, but are DNA has been mixed up with mouse DNA, which means our hearts beat 5 times faster than any other ordinary human and we can run super fast. We eat a lot and so do the other winged children. Jeb told us that the bird kids and us have to eat 3000 calories per day. We are still very skinny though.
"Aiten wake up!" I whisper shouted to the boy sleeping next to me.
"Alice go away," he moaned, batting my hand away.
"Come on, it's morning," I replied back. He opened his greenish sea blue eyes and brushed his short brown hair away from his face.
"Fine," he slowly got up and shook Jack."Come on sleepy head, time to rise and shine."
Jack tried to punch him, but missed.
"Oh get up you old Jack in the bo-OW!" Jack elbowed Aiten in the ribs.
"Don't call me that!" He frowned them got up.
Aiten grinned.
"Why? Do you prefer Jack and Jill?" Aiten smirked, then started to sing Jack and Jill went up the hill. Jack shot him a venomous glare then punched him in the gut.
"Sing it again and you will loose your balls!" Jack shot daggers at him. Aiten held up his hands in surrender.
"Guys stop fighting," Eden moaned. She must have woken up from all that noise.
"What's going on?" Annabelle yawned.
"Aiten had a go at Jack, then Jack exploded!" Dev grinned.
"I did not explode! Aiten was making fun of me , so I punched him!"Jack shouted.
"Calm down Jack," Ruby said.
"Yeah. I'm sure it was not that bad," Fianna smiled.
"At least it was not Chad who was doing it!" Ed snickered.
"Hey! I heard that!" Chad sat up.
"Ok everyone just calm down," Zack said.
"Yeah. I can't wait to meet them! They must be nice!" Kitty smiled softly. Kitty was the only softy in our group. Even though me and Annabelle have softy names, we are not in to fashion and we are not soft hearted. Non of us are, only Kitty is.
"Kitty you think everyone is nice!" I said bored.
I'm also excited though. We all are.

(On hold) Before it started (maximum ride fan fiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora