Chapter 3

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I really wanted to know what those words mean, even if it means that I have to disobey Max. I thought hard. Then I got it!!! I am going to find out by looking in Fang and Iggy's magazines! Yup you heard me! MAGAZINES!!!
There is one problem though..... How do I find where the magazines are? I mean, after that day, Fang and Iggy put them somewhere, where I can't find them. Hmmm. I got it! At night, Iggy and Fang always look in those magazines, so at night I could watch them get it from its hiding place! Then I could get it and it would be perfect! Yes! I have to stay up at night and see what there doing, but I must be very quiet though, because if Iggy and Fang find out, they are gonna kill me and it will be painful! Those guys are really over protective of their magazines! I'm serious, if you even touch them, they will knock the lights out of  you.
"Night Nudge." Max tucked me in bed.
"Goodnight Max." I replied. I tried to keep the excitement to myself because I didn't need Max finding out what I was up to.

Later that night, I saw Fang and Iggy hide the magazines in the cupboard. Now I know where they hide it. Yay time for some fun! Oh, but not know. I'm really tired, so maybe in the morning. I slowly opened my bedroom door, careful not to wake Angel up. Me and Angel share a bunk bed. I sleep at the bottom and Angel sleeps on the top.

(On hold) Before it started (maximum ride fan fiction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora