Chapter 4

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I have to get back to the others because they will start to worry. You see I'm a scientist, but one of the good ones. The other ones want to experiment on those kids. I thought taking them to Colardo will keep them safe because no one goes there much. Every single scientists are after Max and the others. I'm not with them right know, so I can work and earn money, to buy them food. If you have not noticed already, they are avian-human hybrids, also known as Gen 54, Avian Americans or mutant freaks. Their DNA has been experimented on. They are 98% human and 2% avian/bird. That gave them wings, so they can fly. I know some other kids who have been experimented on, but they are 98% human and 2% mouse, so they can run really fast. There names are Alice,  Annabelle, Eden,  Ruby,  Fianna,  Kitty, Dev,  Zack, Ed, Chad, Aiten and Jack. That is double the amount of the flock. I've been thinking, that I should join the mouse kids with the bird kids. All the mouse kids are the same age as Max, Fang and Iggy, who are 14, so that will work out. It's midnight now, so I better get these kids to the flock. They are all sleeping in the back of the van. I started the engine and started driving. I can't wait to see the reaction on the flock's faces!

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