Chapter 1: Call Me Alex

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Alex's pov

I made my way through the front doors of my so called new school as I felt the stares from my soon to be new peers.

I noticed a few students stop and whisper to their friends about me. Two girls stopped and pointed as one of them whispered something and the other laughed. They continued on their way and I just rolled my eyes.

To be honest I was use to it though.

People were always looking at me weirdly and laughing.

I honestly couldn't care less what they thought of me.

If they wanted to laugh they could laugh.

I made my way into a small room as a women looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

"You must be Alexandra" she began.

I silently sighed as she said my name.

"Call me Alex" I smiled.

"Will do, Well nice to meet you sweetie" she smiled brightly.

I knew she was faking it, but it was still nice to see at least someone smiling at me.

"So here's your schedule honey" she stated as she handed me a paper with a list of all my classes.

"If you need help finding classes or anything let me know. Right now everyone's at lunch so you can look around a bit" she insisted.

I could tell she wanted me to leave so that's what I did.

"Ok thank you" I thanked her as I left the room and decided to look a around a bit and then head to lunch.


I walked into the lunchroom and I felt everyone's eyes on me.

I rushed to a table and set my back down as I took out my lunch.

By lunch I meant a bag of Cheetos and a orange soda.

As I began eating I noticed a huge group walking past my table.

This must be the popular group of kids.

The group that never leaves each other's sides and they usually think they're better than everyone else.

"Did you hear about what happened between Claire and Matt?" Some blonde chick asked her friend very loudly.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god yeah! He totally cheated on her!" The other girl stated just as loud.

The group sat down at a table across from mine and I sighed.

Was I really going to have to deal with this the whole lunch?

Both girls continued to blabber on about Claire and Matt.

Whoever they were, they sounded pretty fuxked.

I went on my phone to try to block out their drama when all of the sudden a girl sat across from me and smiled widely as her hazel eyes stared into my soul.

Her black hair just reached a little past her shoulders.

She wore a red flannel with a black t shirt underneath.

I could've sworn she was apart of the popular group just because of how pretty she was.

Why would she want to talk to me?

"Hi" she said happily.

"Hi?" I replied, but it came out as more of a question.

"I'm Melody" she added.

"I'm Alex" I told her, not really knowing what else to say.

"So you're new huh?" She asked me.

I nodded as I took a sip of my drink.

"Well I should probably warn you about the group over there" she began, but I interrupted her.

"Let me guess I should probably stay away from them huh?" I asked.

"Well I was going to say that most of them are betches and assholes, but you got the gist" she laughed.

I shrugged and laughed.

I looked over at the group to make eyecontact with one of the guys.

He quickly looked away and acted as if he never saw me.

"So Alex you going to the pep rally?" Melody asked, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Uh i don't know" I shrugged.

I never liked pep rallys to be honest I dreaded them at my old school because well I didn't have anyone to go to them with.

"You should go! You can sit with me!" She squealed.

She wanted me to sit with her??

"You sure?" I asked nervously.

"Of course! I mean we are friends now right?" She questioned me.

I smiled and nodded.

"Ok then so we're going" she ordered.

I think I just met my new best friend.

New fanfic Ayeee:) tell me your thoughts! Hope you liked the first chapter! More to come.

Much love xx

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