He snuggled into the side of me, finding a comfortable spot. The fact that I was letting him do this was only because I couldn't be asked to put up a fight. He laid his head on top of mine and snuggled his arms around my waist like a baby. I felt kinda weird but it's not like he hadn't done this before. I sighed and slowly drifted off to sleep

After a couple of minutes, my position was not working and I had to quickly change so my head was in his lap. I was comfortable and went back to sleep, but not before taking a sneak peek at his cute sleeping face. It made him look all small and vulnerable.

After many different positions, my eyes fluttered open and I realised the latest fashion. My ass was sitting in his lap clutching on to his neck and legs curled into a ball. I sighed and stretched my legs out, but slightly waking up Tyrus. He yawned breathing his still minty breath in my face. I shoved my head into his neck trying to hide. 

His eyebrows twisted, " how did you get like this ?" He smirked. I chuckled moving from my hiding place

" not sure actually !" He tightened his grip.

"well don't move, I like this !." I giggled mushing his head. Leaning down he tucked his head in my boobs and I gasped. Taking my two hands I pulled his cheeky self from that area and held the side of his face. There was a long moment where we stared at each other and began leaning in when we were about to graze each other's lips he stopped to lick his lips and look me in the eye before his lips placed themselves on me. I kissed back slowly, trying to seek out his rhythm and depth. I played with the small curls at the end of each braid in his hair and his hands explored my thighs. I straddled him to get better access and my tongue licked over his plump lips. He got the gist and opened his mouth revealing his luscious pink tongue. It explored my mouth and tangled us further together into this kiss. But as good as it was it had to stop. I was getting sweaty and flustered to the point of no return and i only feared how much more awkward it would be if we went any further. 

I pulled away biting my lip nervously " imma go toilet " I jumped off him and legged it before he could say anything. Once I got outside, I realised that the lights where back on and I could see. I shuffled to the bathroom and once I got there leaned over the sink sighing

Jesus, he is too good at that shit. He had me feeling some type of way, and that kiss ...., he got some lips.

My lower groin pulsated in a plea to freed of some tension. I dipped my hands down to my pussy to rub softly on the clothed area until my thoughts took over again. I couldn't stop imagining what would have happened if I didn't end it or if I let him explore further between my thighs. Breaking me out of my train of thoughts, in came Tyrus with a smirk plastered from ear to ear.     "What are you doing? " he walked towards me as he pushed me up against the sink. He came to stand behind me, his chest pressing into my back.

" just came to go toilet. Don't you know you're not allowed in here ?" I breathed out trying to change the subject. 

"Is that right" he gave me a cryptic smile and ran his hand across my back, tickling my spine.

I shuddered "Yh it's a girls toilet" Completely dismissing my last motion to change the subject,  he placed his arms on each side of me using his fingers to balance from behind me on the sink area.

" How did you know the lights were back on? Mad how you were brave enough to get here on your own this time" I looked down trying to hide my face. He was so close to me I could feel his body pulsating as he breathed

" I didn't, just desperate for the toilet " I rushed my words thinking of a quick lie to mask my real intentions. I went to walk around him when he pushed me back over the sink, my chest touching the large granite island. His hand on my neck pushed harder and the other gripped my ass. From the mirror all I could see was his groin up against my entrance, I wept out. Leaning down he began giving me sloppy kisses on my neck. The grip released and got tighter making me squeal.

" why you so shy baby "

I shook my head no "I'm not !" He let go of my neck and I turned to him swiftly trying to get away so I didn't have to witness his next move.

" kiss me then ?" He gestured to his sexy plump pink lips. I looked in his eyes and leaned forward towards his when I felt mine crash against them. I jumped up on the counter and brought him between my legs, caressing his back as we made out. 

" I know you want me. I just want you to say it "He taunted me.

"Never" I breathed out during the quick breaks we had in between kisses.

He chuckled darkly " don't make me have to get you to say it" his hip nudged open my leg further and I sighed in pleasure. His fingers rubbed up against my thighs and caressed the inner section which was so incredibly tender at this moment.

"Ty, I can't. We are supposed to be friends. What would our friends say?" my body yearned for more but I felt wrong doing this. I stopped him by holding his hand in its current position.

" We can and don't worry about them. I'm sure they already think we have" he drew back looking at me with his hand still on my thighs. I shook my head no. And his hand began to touch the button of my jeans and slowly pop it to begin unzipping." just say you want me! and I'll stop"

" Tyrus you must know how I feel about you" I sort of whispered, watching as his fingers dove into my panties.

"I just need you to tell me right now" he smiled forcing his lips into my neck. And it was once his whole hand cupped my pussy forcing my abdomen to dip so his hand could full cover its surface area, that my body jumped forward almost offering itself to him.

"Please Tyrus, isn't it obvious? " I hoped he would just understand my need for him. 

" Baby, I'm just asking for one thing " his lips glistened as he licked them sexually. His finger separated my lips caressing my wetness.

" I want you okay, I want you bad " I blurted out and his big beautiful hands clutched my butt and he lifted me up, sitting me against the wall.

" that's all I needed ." He smirked attaching his tongue to my neck. " you ain't the scaredy-cat that I thought"

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