•Chapter 23•

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"They're coming back this evening right?" Marilyn asked as I sat on the couch in our- well hers now -dressing room.

"Yes. Either this evening or tonight, " I smiled as I saw her face lit up. These past few weeks Marilyn and Angelo grew quite close to one another. I wouldn't say close enough for a relationship but close enough as close friends.

"This is splendid!" Marilyn exclaimed as she clasped her hands," I told Angelo to take alot of pictures of Venice! " She smiled as she gazed off in the distance.

You could tell that she was clearly excited for Angelo's arrival. She's been talking nonstop about how much she misses him. If I didn't know better, I would've assumed that she and Angelo were some kind of clingy married couple. I smiled as I looked at her ramble on about him not replying to her texts. "He hasn't replied to my texts since yesterday, " She frowned deeply," It's unlike him to do that. He always reply within 5 seconds to an hour."

"They're probably just busy," I shrugged, "Donny's been trying to get ahold of both Lorenzo and Angelo since last night." And it bothered me that neither of them were responding. It made my stomach unsettled and my heart race at the countless possibilities that could've happened.

I recalled the conversation between Donny and I from last night:

"Dammit," Donny growled as he slammed his cell on the kitchen island. He ran the palms of his hands up and down his face as he sighed harshly with frustration.

"What's up with you?" I reached over and patted his head," Dear dear, I'm sure she's not disappointed that you couldn't get the job done. "

Donny snapped his head in the opposite direction to get out of my reach," Not now Brianne. Neither Angelo nor Lorenzo are picking up their phones. It's getting me pissed!"

I frowned deeply at this,"They're probably just busy with Whatever it is they're doing. Lorenzo told me that it's been a while since he's seen his cousin. "

"You're right," Donny mumbled,"You're right," He said confidently this time,"They're with their cousin. Nothing can go wrong."

Evrn though he had said that,it didn't help. It just gave me false hope but I'm still holding onto that hope.

Oh hush Brianne, my conscious piped up, the guys are fine. You're worrying too much.

Nodding my head at my thoughts, I inhaled deeply and let it out. I focused my attention on Marilyn who was blabbering about some girl who tried to trip her. But she was cut short when a knock sounded throughout the room.

The door pushed open and Donny poked his platinum blonde head through. "Sorry to interrupt but we have to be going," His tone was urgent as he spoke and his words were rushed a bit. I gave him a questioning look and in return he gave me an urgent one.

"Um Mari I'm going," I smiled sadly," Tomorrow I'll come over with Angelo."

After saying our goodbyes, Donny grab my hand and with quick, long strides carried us to his deep blue Nissan Skyline. "What's wrong?" I asked Donny as he started the car.

"Adriano is at the mansion right now demanding to see you," He rolled his eyes,"Basilio is getting quite irritated from Adriano's stubbornness to not leave so he said for you to come."

"So why don't they just escort him out?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Because he actually came unarmed and" -Donny held up a peace sign- "Peacefully. It would be disrespectful to treat him rudely- as he so puts it by showing him harshness for his calm behavior. "

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