•Chapter 15•

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As I walked back to my room, I felt satisfaction. Knowing that I had been able to resist Lorenzo made me feel good about myself. It made me feel almost confident. Normally when a situation like that happens, it would've been resolved through sex. But in the end, it was never okay.

It just made me feel vulnerable. Weak minded. Open hearted. But I am going to change. No more Miss Push Over. It's time to be Brianne Williams again.

As I neared my room, a series of muffled sounds came into my ear shoot. AsI neared Angelo's door, those sounds were soon recognized as moans, the sounds of pleasure.

Smirking, an evil plan popped up into my mind. He's gonna hate me for this but he's still not forgiven... Yet.

Dashing down the hall and downstairs, I searched for the one man who could help me. My crime partner.


I mean who else would it be.

I soon found him in the kitchen fixing himself a sandwich. "Donny!" I squealed, making him jump and looked around frantically.

"Jesus christ," he placed his palm over his chest while taking deep breaths dramatically, "You scared the dīcks out of me."

"Yea. Well I need help." I looked at him while twirling a strand of my hair innocently.

"And what will that be?" He turned his attention back to his sandwich as he added cheese and whatnot.

"See... Angelo is currently in his room.. Inserting plugs into their outlets," I said slowly as I watched him glanced me under his lashes every once a while," And I well I want to interrupt if you know what I mean."

"Okay well," Donny nonchalantly as he placed a slice of bread over his sandwich and held it up to his mouth," What's the plan?" He then took a large bite.

"Ill need smoke bombs. Alot." I muttered," And a fire extinguisher. "

Donny looked up at me curiously, " A Fwire Extwingwusher?" He asked with a full mouth.

After replying a sly 'Youll see", Donny and I got our supplies all the while with Donny stuffing his face. Now we are currently standing in front of Angelo's room and of course, he's still going at it.

Slowly, I opened the door. Donny and I have gotten at least 9 smoke bombs and of different colors. Donny's and my hands were all ready to unleash the fury but not until the count of three.

I looked at Donny and began counting down in lip syncing. After I mouthed a three, Donny and I smirked at each other and then we released the smoke bombs into his room. The girl's scream was ear piercing and you can even make out Angelo cursing.

A smoke bomb would last at least a minute in Angelo's room since it's really big. So Having 9 bombs would give me enough time.

I then ran into the room. The smoke was really thick. There were different colors in different places. The main colors were red, purple and a blue. Out of pure instinct, made my way to the bed and began spraying the fire extinguisher on them. The girl's screams got louder if possible and you could hear them trying to get off but failing miserably since they're tangled up in the bed sheets.

Backing away, I started spraying the flooring which would cause them to slip hopefully. After my job was finished, the smoke began to fade and I could recognize the outlines of their naked bodies.

I hurriedly exited the room and slammed the door shut. Donny pressed his ears against the door and started snickering. I looked at him curiously as I set down the extinguisher.

"Bimbo's complaining about her hair and Angelo's cursing at her," He laughed.

Suddenly the door opened and the smoke began pouring out. As the smoke diminished, I couldn't contain my laughter. In front me stood a snowman. A snowman named Angelo. With only a towel hanging loosely from his hips he wiped his face and glared at Donny and I but we were too busy wallowing in our laughter that we didnt notice Angelo acquiring our main weapon.

Donny and I immediately stopped laughing. "Shit," Donny cursed as he looked from the extinguisher to Angelo with a fear stricken face. "Remind me to never help you again."

"Angelo... Broo," I chuckled nervously. Angelo raised an eyebrow. I scratched my forehead nervously and squeaked out,"Gotchu."

A blast of coldness attacked my body as I shrieked. It felt like being stuffed in a tub of water and ice aand then being placed into a freezer.

"Fûck! Shît! Motherfúckīng shîtbîtchCûñtFūck!" Donny cursed as he desperately tried to move away.

After what seemed like forever, Angelo stopped and chucked the extinguisher behind him. "Karma's a bitch." He smirked and then stepped backwards into his room and slammed the door shut.

Donny and I looked at each other. Then out of nowhere we bursted into a fit of laughter. But our little fiesta was ruined when.

"What the fück is all this mess!" Lorenzo's deep voice shook us from our laughter.

"Snow," I said bluntly.

"You better clean it up," He said to me directly,"Donny downstairs."

Donny then took off, leaving me to fend off the beast alone. " Clean this shit up before something bad happens, " Lorenzo scowled at me and then proceed to walk past me.

I was sooo not having it so. I did the stupidest thing ever. I grabbed onto his jacket and with all my might, I pulled him down. Now he's lying flat on his back. I stood over him and smirked, "Clean this shit up Lorenzo."

With a hard face and a glare that's enough to kill, he snarled and tried to latch onto me.

I squealed and ran away, knowing he was hot on my heels. I have to admit even though this is a scary life endangered situation, It's actually fun and exhilarating.

Dammit I need a life.


An= This is basically a random chapter. I was bored and well yea.
This is the product of my boredom.
Also it's currently 1:04 AM & I have school tomorrow and I can't sleep :(
I'm frigging nocturnal 😂😂
Like an Owl.

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