•Chapter 6•

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One way to enter the kitchen and that's walking through the living room where everyone, Lorenzo, Angelo, Donny and everyone else, was. They were all chatting up a storm talking about the new shipments and some other guy stuff. C'mon Bri. You were once comfortable around them. Just walk past them like nothing. My subconscious encouraged me.

Inhaling a deep breathe, I started walking towards the kitchen. I entered the living room and it went silent as my feet touched the soft carpet. I kept my head straight and walked. I didn't spare anyone a glance as i walked into the kitchen. My stomach growled like a wolf as I rummaged through the cupboards, trying to find PB & J. I could do with that right now.

Finding the bread and the jar, i fixed myself a sandwich and poured some orange juice. I ate rather slowly and drank the juice. "Sorella?" Angelo entered the kitchen, standing in the open doorframe. I walked up to him and kneed him right where the sun don't shine. "You lied to me fratello," I said icily as i watched him fall to his knees cupping his groin.

Everyone looked at me as if i was going mad. I looked at Lorenzo and glared. He in returned seemed amused. Donny looked at me then Angelo and bursted out laughing," You should've seen your face!"

"Yeaaaaa," I smiled," Soon you'll see my fist in your face if you don't shut up."

"Wasn't acting like that on the jet," he rolled his eyes and huffed like a little boy. I glared and looked at Lorenzo," Where's Armanno?"

"In the back," He replied. I looked back at Angelo who was now standing on his two feet. "I'm sorry I lied to you!" He exclaimed.

"If I left for a reason, what made you think i would come back?" I yelled for everyone to hear. He didn't dare answer and I looked at Lorenzo," You better get me a flight to Manhattan amico. Capisce?"

"No," Lorenzo shook his head," You're staying here."

I inhaled a deep breathe and closed my eyes. I fisted my hands and punched Angelo right in his cheek," Your fault Angelo."

I looked at everyone and saw them looking at me. "Hi guys," I smiled," Three years huh."

Basilio waved at me and I waved back. Basilio was a year older than me and really sweet. When I first came here, he helped when everyone looked right through me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lorenzo rolling his eyes and looking away. "I'll catch up with you all later yea," I clasped my hands," I must see my Armanno."

Leaving the living room, I walked to the backyard. I knew this place too well since I've been gone for five years. Lorenzo hasn't even forced himself against me which is not like him. He's always up in my ass and wouldn't give me a break. Opening the large sliding door, I stepped into the backyard. I scanned the area in search for Armanno.

Armanno was my darling. He foiled my first attempt in escaping. He was just a pup and you know how women are. "Armanno!" I whistled. It didn't take long to hear his feet hitting against the floor charging towards me. He had his tongue out while he ran. Armanno was a German Shepard breed. He was freakishly large for a dog.

Without warning, Armanno leapt on me. I fell back but someone from behind caught me. I looked up and saw Lorenzo. I scowled and lowered myself to Armanno's height. "Oh my god!" Ihugged Armanno," Look at how big my boy's gotten!"

Armanno just licked at my face and barked happily," I missed you too bambino(baby)!"

"Why is it that the dog, il cane, gets all l'amore(the love)," Lorenzo questioned.

"Because a dog's love is unconditional," I looked up from Armanno to Lorenzo," No matter how long you haven't fed it or how long you haven't pet it, it will always love you. That's why Armanno gets tutto il mio amore(all my love) "

"Do you still love me?" He disputed. I looked at him blankly and turned away, resuming in grooming Armanno.

Armanno Means Solider In Italian

"You know I always will-"

"Why did you leave then?" He pressed further.

"Why did I leave?" I stood with disgust and disbelieve written all over my face," I don't know how I had it in me to put up with the likes of you! You're a selfish, demanding, controlling man wh0re with no heart! In shorter terms, you're a monster!"

"But you love this monster, si?" He smirked. I slapped him and walked off in a huff. Fvcking Lorenzo. Who does he think he is. I walked up to his bedroom and slammed the door. I looked at my red swollen hand. He's not happy at what I just did. I sat on the bed and faced the door.



One. Lorenzo barged into the room. His face red and his eyes were flaming with anger as he looked at me. My face was expressionless as he marched up to me. "Bambola! You will apologize now! Ora! Capisce? "

I placed my forefinger in the air and shook it. Lorenzo easily towered over me. Despite my tall frame, he was a huge ass motherfvker. Lorenzo tackled me on the bed. He was hovering over me with him between my legs, pinning my hands to the side of me. I struggled against him but he was too strong and had a firm grip on me.

"I like this position bambola," He said tantalizingly as he lowered his sex onto mine. The ache between my legs was starting to develop. I sucked in a sharp breathe as he smirked. "Tell me have any of your boyfriends made you feel like this?" He slowly grinded into me.

I'm In Deep shit now.

Loving The MafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora