•Chapter 2•

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"Renzo never forgot you. He went crazy when you left. Of course none of the men knew that he loved you but they knew it was because of you," Angelo explained. We were currently sitting in the living room, sipping on tea. After that phone call, I got dumb. Hearing Renzo's voice again made me weak. "After you left, he never ate or sleep. He went off on anyone. He even slept with tons of women but he never felt satisfied. After weeks of thinking of you, he tried forgetting you but that didn't work.

Everything in that house, you left a memory with him. His search for you started but of course I know you. You didn't wanted to be found but Renzo was hell bent on finding you. Even if it meant dragging you by your hair and trust me Renzo would do that," He looked at his tea in his hands then me," Come back sorella. Things aren't the same without you. That house became dead. Even the other men miss you and that happy carefree aura you had."

"Fratello as much as I would love to, I cant. Renzo will be Renzo. He has no heart. He cant love," I sipped my tea and Angelo shot up from his seat.

"He has no love?!" he shouted, his eyes raging," After what I explained he has no love."

"Renzo will be Renzo. He's a coldhearted man. That bipolar culo(ass) knows nothing about love. Niente! (Nothing)" I shouted right back.," Once I come back, Renzo will go back to being himself. I've tried with him fratello. You know how much I've tried but you cant change a man whose been brought up to kill!"

Angelo's features softened and he sat next to me," I'm asking again sorella. Come back?"

I shook my head and he sighed. Only if you know how much I'd love to go back. To feel Lorenzo in my arms once again. To run my fingers through his thick black hair. To trace his sharp jawline and full lips. To plant kisses on his chest like he loved. When I left that place, I left part of me with it.

That place became a home to me. Everyone was like a family. Famiglia. I felt like belong there when I associated myself. In all honesty, my first impressions of these men were ruthless and heartless, dangerous and notorious but after knowing them, they were like normal human beings that felt emotions.

Destiny decides who you meet in life but it is the heart that decides who can stay. In my heart, that famiglia stayed. Italy stayed. Angelo stayed. Lorenzo? He was there but he got kicked out. However, I would be lying if I said that he didn't left piece of him with me.

"Sorella I must go," Angelo got up, fixing his suit jacket," My flight back to Italia leaves in a hour." I got up and walked him to the door.

"Addio fratello," I hugged him and he hugged back.

He chuckled," It surprises me that you still remember majority of Italian I thought you."

"I'd be damned if I didn't," I chuckled back. Angelo kissed my forehead and he left.

I watched his Ferrari disappear into the dark streets. A faint smile tugged the corners of my lips as I remembered the times Angelo and I shared. I closed my door and cleaned up the living room. Now just to find the tracking device Angelo left.

Walking into the kitchen, I looked under and on every surface. I know Angelo enough to know that he'd plant a tracker somewhere. Three years may have past but like I say things never change. Walking back into the living room was when I saw it. Stuck between the cushions, a faint blinking device caught my eye when I wasn't even looking.

Picking up the device and placing it on the floor, I smashed it with my heel. After disposing of the device, I walked up to my room and prepared for bed. As I laid on my bed, memories couldn't help but seep into my mind.

I remember when they sold me. How scared I was at first. I remember when I lashed out against Lorenzo. I smiled remembering his face. How shocked he was. I remember my first day at the strip club and when Lorenzo gave Basilio specific directions saying that I can only dance. I remembered our first time together. How happy we were that night. It wasn't like his nature to be gentle. He as always gentle with me but he had a rep to keep up.

Now I remember the night before I left. That night he came home later than usual. I saw the lipstick smudges on his shirt and how swollen his lips were. In the morning when I asked him about lipstick, he got so infuriated. I remembered every word he said. "So what? You're just a toy. I don't love you. Sei un giocattolo (You're a toy)"

I remembered crying my eyes out asking him over and over if he actually meant it. He never answered me. I remembered on him treating me like shit on the road after. Him and his bipolar ass. That night I left. I packed my necessities and stole some cash from Renzo. I drove off with his Skyline, telling everyone I was just going shopping even though Renzo would've sent someone with me.

While everyone thought I was shopping, I was getting a one way flight from Italy to Manhattan. By the time they started looking, I was already half way through. I started a new chapter. Changed my name for a while, dyed my hair chocolate wavy hair blonde and covered my green orbs with blue contacts.

Three years later, I brought me back. My chocolate hair and green eyes. Now here I am. Reminiscing about my past since I reunited with mio fratello, Angelo. I let a tear slip and didn't refuse to wipe it away. It's okay to cry because crying doesn't mean you're weak. It means that you've been strong for too long. I lived by that quotation.

My eyelids felt heavy and darkness filled me. I fell asleep thinking of Lorenzo. How I miss him.


Hi Everyone So I Just Want To Say Something! All of the Italian words you see, I get them from Bing Translator. What I do I just put in the word or sentence and let it translate then I copy and paste it. So if there's any mistake or whatever I get those translations from Bing Translator :) If you're not sure about words, you can always translate them yourself but I will provide translation to majority.

Thank you.

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