Chapter Ten

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Thomas's POV

I can't believe myself. How could I let myself do that? Not only did I move without permission, I fell on my master. This time I'll be punished, I know I will.

The female wolf moves to stand near the door. She wasn't told to, but then I realise that wolves can talk to each other in their minds, it always scares me when they do it around me. I never know what they're saying, is she planning to block in the room and beat me with no escape?

The one in wolf form whines, I don't understand why. Why would he whine? Is it to make me feel scared? Is he trying to manipulate my emotions, to make it more interesting for them as they beat me?

Looking down I see the wolf is laying down next to me, I don't remember it moving that fast. I jump away as quickly as I possibly can, but the wall restrains me.

"Thomas." My master calls my name, I look up at her, terrified of what she's going to do me.

She slowly slides herself off her bed.

"It's ok." She says to me. Of course she would say that, I know this game. I've been a participant in it before.

I watch in confusion as she bends her knees and starts to shuffle towards me. Why is she coming? I try moving closer to the wall, wanting to become one with it.

She comes close to me, and sits on her knees. It reminds of when I first met her. Why is she doing this? It has to be another test, to see if I'll push her and run. But that would be a stupid mistake with the result being either torture or death. With two other wolves in the room; one next to me and another guarding the door, I'm not getting away.

She takes a deep breath and says to me, "Thomas, none of us will lay a harmful hand on you."

I look around at the wolf laid next to me, the one guarding the door and then back to my Master. She can't really mean it, can she? No of course not.

"The girl stood by the door is Lilly."
My Master tells me this but why would I ever need to know? I will never use her name, I may possibly in my head but it will never escape my tongue.

"She only tried to help your bruise."
To make me look pretty for everyone else. So I suppose she didn't mean to hurt me, but then again it is very likely she did. As a test? To see if I would remain still when hurt? And I failed.

My master slowly moves her hand towards the area of the bruise on my face. She doing touch it, but she looks at my face as if she's looking for something in particular.

I feel my arms and legs pushing me backwards on their own accord, but their attempts at stopped by the wall behind me.

I feel her soft hand lightly move across my face, a gentle touch isn't right. It doesn't feel normal.

"Whoever did this to you is a coward. A scum of a being."

If I hadn't have heard those words with my own ears I would never have believed she'd said them. I've never heard anything like that come from a wolf about another wolf.

"This isn't right. Thomas please let us help you. The liquid that hurt you is called witch hazel, it purifies a wound and helps to speed up its process."

Did she beg? She said please to me, that word has always been associated with begging. But it always comes from my mouth followed by the word no. But instead she said it to me. Does she really want to help me?

My hand moves on its own accord towards the wolf laying next to me as he moves his head towards my hand. I feel his fur through my fingers, a strange yet naturally calming sensation takes over me as it did last time. I never would have thought I would be calm being this close to a wolf.

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