"See you later, Blooky." I slowly closed the door, ushered the kids to the car, and we started driving to the mall. I drove into a parking spot, ready to seize the day. "Okay, it's Christmas Eve, the mall will be crowded." I turned to face the kids. "Our first priority is getting you some festive wear, then-"

"Then, mistletoe!" Chara said.

"Yes! Remember, we have to stay together. Toriel will kill me if I lose a child." I bit my lip, shuddering at the thought of Toriel's fire like rage.

"Let's do this!" Frisk punched the air, determinedly.

"I like that attitude!" I said, as we all rushed out of the car.

We went into the mall head on. Surprisingly, it wasn't half as crowded as I thought. I took the kids to a small boutique. We gathered some outfits, then sent them into dressing rooms. After picking the perfect ones, I payed, and we went to search for some mistletoe. We went into a candle store, bought some seasonal candles, and got directions to a plant shop on the other side of the mall that had mistletoe. "Do we really need three things of mistletoe?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Chara said, looking dead serious.

"All part of the plan." Frisk smirked, fist bumping Chara. I had no clue what the kids were planning, but it was definitely something.

We got home, and I helped Chara set up two of the mistletoe sprigs. "What about the third one?"

"Oh...I can reach that one." They said, darting their attention away.

"Well, alright." I shrugged it off. Though there had been no updates thus far, I was still worried about Muffet...and those pictures. If Muffet didn't take them, then it was definitely one of minions. Her minions were creepy...like spiders or something.

I went over to Blooky's room to check on him. "Hey." I said, cracking the door open. He had his headphones on, and probably didn't notice me. I opened the door more, and posed dramatically in the door frame.

He clicked something on his computer then looked up at me. "Oh...hey Mettaton."

"Hey, couz!" I said walking in, and sitting next to him. "How's the music going?"

"Pretty good." He said, removing his headphones. "Is it okay if I invite someone over? I know you just want a perf-"

"Blooky! That'd be great! I'm glad my little Blooky is socializing." I said, scruffing up his hair.

"Okay. I'll call her." He pulled out his phone.

"Oh! Ooh! Let me guess! Is it...Shyren?" He blushed as I said this. "Blooky! You have a crush on her don't you?" His head sunk down a bit as his blush became deeper. "You do!" I shrieked.

"Mettaton...please...don't say anything, alright?" He looked away in embarrassment.

"Blooky, as your cousin, it is my duty to protect you. I'll respect that you'll tell her whenever you're ready. " I gave him a smile and started walking out. "But that doesn't mean I won't ship it from the other side of the room." Blooky rolled his eyes as I left the room, giggling.

After about an hour of doing nothing I heard the doorbell ring. "Mettaton? Can you get that? I'm setting up the speakers!" Blooky yelled through the wall.

"Of course, darling!" Must be Shyren. I stuffed towards the door. I swung it open. "Hello! Shyren we-" I opened my eyes and froze.

"Surprise." Papyrus said, holding a pot of spaghetti. I rubbed my eyes. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The Boy at School (A Papyton Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now