Another member has a crush on you (4/8)

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You had been dating Tom now for ten months and your relationship was still as strong as ever.
However, there was one slight problem, Casey also likes you. Both you and Tom thought he was being his usual flirty self around you but it wasn't. One day you were staying round Tom's with James, Casey, Jake, Chris and Barclay. You wore an oversized top with no trousers or leggings and knee high socks. Casey couldn't help but stare at your legs. To be honest, none of them could. You loved Tom though and he loved you so nothing could ever happen between you and Casey, as much as he wanted it to.

You were playing an intense game of football with Tom, oblivious to him fancying you. You scored a goal at 89 minutes, a minute before the game finishes!! Your first ever goal all thanks to Tom's help!!
He ran over to you happily, lifted you up in his muscular arms and span you around before putting you back down again. Tom suddenly did something unexpected. He kissed you! You pulled away suddenly and gave him a confused look, Tom just blushed.
"I'm sorry, please don't tell Chris." You didn't reply. Instead, you walked into the house.
"I saw you." Chris said and you suddenly gulped a huge lump which was resting in your throat.
"I also saw you pull away though." He continued.
"Thank you, Chris. I love you."
"I love you too."
Chris had words with Tom and agreed to forgive him.

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