Barclay Imagine

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 You felt the sweat drip down your back as you walked through the overly crowded parking lot. It was a 30 degree day in London. As you walked closer towards the arena your heart began to race. The crowd became larger and formed into a large line outside of a tall bottle-green gate. You opened your mouth to try to explain your emotions to your friend but the words wouldn't come out. You were so overwhelmed you weren't even able to speak. "Y/N!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!!" You broke from your silence and said "I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON! IS THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENING?!" You both clenched one another's hands as large security guards slowly opened the gate.  You sat in your seats in utter shock, you were hours away from witnessing Stereo Kicks singing live in front of you, feet away.

Suddenly, you notice a head poke out from behind the curtain on stage. Only his head was visible but it was clear who it was. His beautiful smirk and beautiful tattoos were so breath taking in person. His head turned towards your direction and he stared right into your eyes and smiled. He pulled his right hand from out behind the curtain and gave you a slight wave so that none of the other girls would notice him. You pointed towards yourself and mouthed the words 'me?' with confusion. He smiled and mouthed back 'yes'. Was Barclay Beales actually waving at you?! His facial expression changed quickly as he was pulled back behind the curtain. Your friend turned to you after witnessing the whole thing and started crying. "Did that just actually happen to you?! I'M SO FUCKING JEALOUS". You tried to force the words out of your mouth but it was so hard, you were in complete shock! "I-I-I don't know. Was he looking at me or someone else?!" you slowly shouted. All of a sudden the VIP crowd erupted in cheers, the boys made their way on stage for the sound check. You watched them each walk out on the stage one by one, Jake first, then Tom, then Reece, then Charlie, then James, then Chris, then Casey and then Barclay. But, the whole time Barclay was walking out, he was staring directly at you. You smiled and he blushed, embarrassed that you noticed him staring at you. Tom noticed the fact he was only paying attention to you and laughed and gave him a tap on the arm signalling him to say 'hello' to the audience. The boys then took questions from the crowd and practiced a few songs but the whole time, he was staring at you. After the boys were done with sound check they said their goodbye's and headed backstage to prepare for the meet-and-greets for the VIP. Barclay was the last to leave the stage but stopped in his tracks, turned around, and waved at you. The crowd exploded with cheering thinking he was waving goodbye to them. "Okay, I need all the VIP ticket holders to please make a line over here and follow me..." Said a small looking man who seemed to be the meet-and-greet photographer. Settling into a spot in line, your friend says, "Y/N, we've been waiting for this moment for a year. Not only are we going to meet them but we can fucking hug them!" You blushed with excitement, but at the same time you wondered why Barclay was only focussing his attention on you. What was he going to do in the meet-and-greet? What would you say to him? Finally, you were next in line to enter the small room surrounded by curtains. You could faintly hear the boys speaking to the 3 girls that entered the room before you. Suddenly, the two muscular security guards lifted either side of the black curtains for you to enter. There they were, right in front of you. Stereo Kicks all stood in front of another large black curtain in front of a photographer. Barclay, Tom, James, Jake, Chris, Reece, Casey and Charlie all turned to face you and your friend to greet you with hugs. Jake was the first you hugged, "Hey babe, thanks for coming! It's nice to meet you!" He sweetly greeted you with a warm classic Sims hug. "Listen, I'm not gonna lie to you Jake, I've been waiting for a Jake hug for over a year now". He chuckled and said, "Well since you've been waiting so long for it, here's another." He pulled you back into a hug, he smelled so nice and he was so skinny that your arms fit around his waist & he nestled his head into your neck. Next was Chris, "Hey! What's your name sweetheart?" You smiled and quietly responded "My name's Y/N". "That's a very cute name Y/N. Come over here and give me a hug!" Chris said through his perfect smile as he brought you in for a beautiful hug. He smelled beautiful and his Irish accent was to die for! "Hi Y/N! Thanks for coming to see us! We really appreciate all that you do for us!" Tom said showing how much he meant every word he said to you. "No problem Tom! You can thank me by giving me a hug!" He laughed and gave you a tight squeeze. You shifted towards your left onto Charlie. "Hi CJ, I can't believe I'm actually able to be standing in front of you right now!" "No no no please Y/N, I can't believe I'm actually able to be standing in front of YOU right now!" He laughed with his most perfect hug. Charlie moved closer to you so that you'd be able to hug him. 

Suddenly, you were about to move onto Barclay. Your eyes met and it felt like nothing in the world was moving and everything was silent. His tall skinny body was so perfectly sculpted, his tattoos on his arms were visible, and his face was pure beauty. His mouth seemed to move into a smile in slow motion. His pearly white teeth began to show and his mouth turned into a crooked smile. His eyes widened, revealing his sparkling hazel eyes. He traced his fingers through his small quiff. "Hello beautiful." WAIT A SECOND... DID BARCLAY FUCKING BEALES JUST CALL YOU BEAUTIFUL? In utter shock you smiled at the ground, blushing uncontrollably. You felt a cold finger touch the bottom of your chin slowly raising it. Barclay positioned your head so that you were staring right into his eyes. You slowly opened your mouth trying to figure out something to say. All that could come out was, "Hi Barcs." You said through your bright smile.

"What's all the smiling for, love?" Barclay stroked the side of your face trying to figure out what you were so happy about. 

A few months later... You moved closer to him under the warm blankets so that your bodies were perfectly intertwined. He wasn't wearing a shirt so you could feel his soft abs pressed against your body. "Oh, nothing I was just thinking about the day we met again." He smiled his irresistible cheeky smile and moved his head towards yours and placed his lips softly onto yours giving you a light but passionate kiss. He stopped kissing and looked straight into your eyes, still smiling, like he was looking into your soul. Barclay's perfect lips began to move and he said, "That was the best day of my life.

Stereo Kicks Imagines/PreferencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon