James Imagine

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You and James had been together for little under two years. Well actually it was your two year anniversary tomorrow.

You didn't really have any plans set but knew you were spending it together. You've promised yourself you're going to tell James you're 6 weeks pregnant sometime tomorrow and hope that he takes it in the way you have, excitedly. He should since you two have spoken about it recently and he's always saying he can't wait to be a dad.

When you wake up on the day of your anniversary you look to your right to see a card and a present sat on your bed next to you instead of James. You reach over and open the card to see the cutest anniversary card ever, and when you open it reading it just makes you smile from ear to ear.

"Happy anniversary (Y/N). You mean absolutely everything to me! I'd be lost without you. After everything that has happened the last two years yet you're still here. I'm the luckiest man alive. I love you so much."

As you're sat smiling to yourself you remember the present so you pick it up and unwrap it. It was a pretty big parcel so when you opened it, your jaw dropped. James had bought you the most beautiful silver and black dress. It looked so elegant. Not only the dress but under it had a bag and shoes to match, all with a little note attached.

"Make sure you wear this and be ready for half 7, gorgeous."

You knew you had plenty of time so you hung up your dress to stop it creasing and walked downstairs to see the person you most desperately wanted to see today, your boyfriend James cooking you a breakfast. You walk over and wrap your arms around him.

"Happy anniversary James." He turns around and puts his hands on your waist.

"Happy anniversary gorgeous girl, now go back to bed because breakfast in bed doesn't work unless you're still there." He said chuckling.

You nod and kiss his cheek before turning to go back upstairs.

"You're forgetting something, (Y/N)."

You look at him questioningly.

"Anniversary kiss?"

You smile and walk back to him and he caresses your cheek with his fingers.

"I love you."

Before you get to reply he has already got your lips connected in the softest kiss possible. You pull away smiling to yourself.

"I love you too James."

Then he shoo's you away to wait for your breakfast and as you're in bed waiting you decide now is the time to tell him.

When James walks in carrying your breakfast and his, you smile and say: "I could've helped, you know." He shakes his head and says: "I hope you like it."

You smile and mumble: "I know I will."

When the pair of you finish eating, you put your plates to the side and he tries to speak but you get in first.

"James I need to tell you something." He holds your hand and looks at you waiting for you to continue.

"Remember what we were speaking about a few months ago?"

"Babe, I'm gonna need more than that to go on." He says concerned.

"About us one day having a family?" You ask.

He looks at you remembering the conversation you had not too long ago and nods.

"Well it's now, James. I am pregnant."

He looks at you in utter shock for a second and then the biggest smile appears on his face.

"Really, (Y/N)?"

You nod.

"Really James. I am 6 weeks pregnant. Happy anniversary baby."

"That's the best gift I could've ever gotten. Happy anniversary beautiful. I love you." He says.

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