Casey Imagine

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Casey had now been with you for 6 months. You were on The X Factor in a band called Only The Young and you had come against Stereo Kicks one week and your name is Betsy-blue English. Unfortunately, you went out in The X Factor. But the big news was, you were experiencing something you had never experienced in your eighteen years... You had mild stomach cramps, but not period pains and you had continuously thrown up most mornings. You couldn't be, could you? You and Casey had 'it' a week ago but being both busy with your bands and releasing your singles you barely had time for each other, let alone a baby. How were you meant to tell your boyfriend? He would definitely break up with you because of it... You took the test and sure enough, you were pregnant.

You were due to release your song on iTunes called 'I Do' and everything was just getting so stressful so you grabbed your phone and rang the doctor's surgery. 

 "I'd like to book an appointment please for an abortion." You tell the receptionist on the other side of the phone. 

 "Sure. We can fit you in tomorrow at 1pm if that's okay?"

 "Can you do today?" You ask.

"Afraid not unless someone cancels. I'll put you in for 1 tomorrow and if someone cancels I'll let you know." She says. You thank her and hang up. 

 About two hours later, the phone rings and its the doctors telling you they've had a cancellation so you can have the appointment the same day for two hours time. You agreed and sorted your hair out and put your shoes on before taking a slow walk to the doctors. You were called in and the nurse prescribed you some tablets. 

 "Take one each day and after a week it should be gone. Come back next week to check." She smiles.

 What were you doing? You couldn't kill an innocent child, especially without Casey even knowing.You ran out the surgery and ran home. You noticed Casey's car in the drive so he must be home.

 "Hey babe, where you been?" He asks.

"I uh.. went out... to the doctors." You stutter.

"Why? Is everything alright?" He asked, worried and concerned.

"I'm pregnant Casey... I went to the doctors to get an abortion..."

"What? You killed our baby?!" He shouted.

"No. I was going to, but I couldn't... I needed to tell you and also realised that it is wrong... But I don't know what to do... I'm scared Case. If word gets out, then OTY and Stereo Kicks will fail... I don't want to let down my Youngsters..." You say, truthfully.

He pulls you into one of his cute, warm hugs and rubs your back gently and soothingly.

"Hey, they won't be let down... We're both old enough and JJ from Union J has a baby and is coping really well with his American model fiancé. It'll be okay Bets." He whispered and kept you in the hug.

 "Will we manage?" You whisper and he nods. 

"Of course we will." He says before you both cry with happiness. "...And fans will love us, if they don't then stuff them, they ain't real fans... When we're touring, we'll just get Chet or one of my cousins or a babysitter to look after our babs. I'm never going to leave you, whatever happens because I love you Betsy-Blue." 

"Awww! I love you too." You say and kiss his lips gently.

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