|"Edits man, edits."|

76 2 11

Auggie's POV

"You're really bored, and home alone, so let's do what you did before you had all these great friends!" I say to myself as I open up Instagram and search Weston fan accounts.

Half Hour Later

At this point, I'm sobbing my eyes out after watching countless sad Weston edits. I'm so engrossed in my crying and edits that I don't even hear Weston's footsteps on the stairs.

"Babe? What's wrong A?" Weston says, running over to me.

I stand up and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug as I sob into his shoulder.

"You didn't cut again, did you?" He asks, checking my wrists and pulling my shorts up slightly.

"N-no. Weston, I-I'm fine."

"That's what you said the last time, and you obviously weren't." He says.

"Just, look." I say, handing him my phone. It was an edit of me and Weston breaking up, and then he kills himself. "Edits man, edits."

"Augs, come here," He says, pulling me into a huge bear hug. "You really care that much about me?" 

"I love you Weston, and I just don't want anything to ever happen to us, but most important, you." I cry.

"Hey, stop crying. I'll cry too. I love you too August," He coos, kissing my temple. "And I don't wanna lose you either. But since we're already in the mood, wanna have a sad day?" He smiles.

"What the fucking cheese is that? " I ask.

"It's when we do sad stuff together. Not like, self-harm or stuff like that, because no, but like... we watch edits of each other, and watch sad videos like 'If Weston Koury Died', and listen to sad music and sleep. All day long." He says.

"We get to sleep? All day long?" I gasp.

"Mhm." Weston grins.


"Great. What do you wanna start with?" He asks.

"Um... Edits?" I ask.

"Whatever you want."

"We are literally goals babe." I say.

"I know, I know..." He says.

After Everything 

"Wanna sleep now, Stud?" I ask, wiping away my tears.

"Sure, as soon as you stop calling me Stud." Weston answers.

"Fine, French Fry." I smile.

"I thought I was your breadstick?" He says.

"Actually, you're my piece of shit, but I wanted to be nice." I reply.

"Suck a toe."

"You know what's weird?" I say.


"You're the only boy that's ever cried in front of me. I like that." I say.

"Well I'd like to say the same to you, but I cant, because I meet tons of crying fans all the time." He sighs.

"Eh, we Gucci."

He lays down on the bed with me and we fall asleep. It's 8 am when a scream wakes us up.

"YOU GUYS HAD SEX?!" Bianca's scream rings through my ears as she stands in the middle of the room, a towel wrapped around her.

"NO! Weston's a hillbilly, and I don't wanna lose my virginity until I'm at least 18! I love him, but EW! GET YOUR MIND OUT OF HUNTER'S BALLSACK!" I yell back.



"Why doesn't he have a shirt on then?!"

"Because he doesn't sleep with one." Weston answers in the third person.

"Well then... Just wear a condom if you do bang." She sighs, walking out of the room.

"You would lose your virginity to me?" He asks seriously, a smirk playing on his lips-lip.

"I never said that."

"You implied it."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not"

"Did too".

"DID NO-" He cuts me off by kissing me hard.

I kiss back, but pull away.

"Don't let Johnny get too excited down there, HoneyBun." I grin.

"Awww!" He yells. "STOP TEASING ME!" 

"Whatever, CheeseFries."

"What is it with you two and the food nicknames?" Zach laughs, Mario and Hunter behind him. Mark hasn't been around lately. Probably off with Kayla.

"I like food. I like Weston. It works. Stop judging me Zachary."

"As you wish." He curtseys and walks away with the boys behind him.

"Love you Wes."

"Love you Augs."



IOTD; srry for calling u a whore. didnt realize

a lack of love from ur parents leaves a hole 

in ur heart that only dicks can fill...

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