|"a movie about trump??!1! hell yeah!!1!"|

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Weston's POV

"So where are we going for the date Wes?" Auggie asks me impatiently.

"Well, I was thinking a movie?" I say, more in a question than a statement.

"It better not be scary, because you know I don't do scary." She says gravely.

"Don't be silly August, you have to look in the mirror every day!" Mario laughs.

"I will cut you, you Bootleg Luigi." She threatens.

"Aw, like you did to yourself?" Bianca pops her head in the room, smiling sweetly at Auggie.

"Remind me again why I'm still friends with you?"She laughs

"Hey, didn't I tweet that Bootleg Luigi thing once?" I ask.

"I was a fan before I was a friend, remember?" She says.

"Did you just friendzone me?" I ask, feigning hurt.

"No, you give me food, I kiss you, you take me on dates, we have a nice lil' thingy" She laughs.

"Okay, so are you ready to go" I ask as she slips on her Converse.

"Is guacamole life?" She asks.

I give her a confused look.


"HURTFUL! I might just not take you out after that!" I laugh, grabbing my keys and pulling her down the stairs, all giggles from A.

Time Skip To At The Ticket Stand

"Hi, can I have two tickets to.... 'Trump Temptations: The Billionaire and the Bell Boy' ?" I ask. (Totally not promoting the book or soon-to-come movie at all

 "A MOVIE ABOUT TRUMP? HELL YEAH!" August screams in the middle of the mall.

"Ssh, it was a surprise. I know how much you loved the book, so I decided, why not?" I smile.

"How did you know?" She asks, obviously confused.

"You were really hyper one day, we had stayed up all night, and you mentioned something about your Wattpad being TheWeaveSnatcher, so, naturally, I decided to check it out, and on your convo, it said something about a movie to the book, and so I did some research, and voila." I explain.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!" She yells again, hugging me tightly.

"Let's go sit down before the movie starts," I laugh.

"Just warning you Weston, it's basically porn." She whispers to me as we sit down.

"WHAT?!" I whisper-shout.

"You didn't read the actual book?" She laughs.


"This is gonna be a long few minutes then..." She sighs.

"Few minutes?" I ask.

"The book was only three chapters long. It was better than any novel I've ever read though..." She laughs.

"Well, If I just spent 30 dollars on your Trump Porn, at least it made you happy." I smile.

"This is why I love you." She laughs.

"Aw, babe!" I joke.

"Shut the fuck up! It's starting!"

After The Movie

"That was the most traumatizing hour and a half of my life." I say.

"Yeah, I was surprised they added more scenes than just two chapters... It was awesome!" 

"THAT WAS WORSE THAN 50 SHADES OF FUCKING GREY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SMOKING?! CoCo Chanel had to get therapy after she saw Christian and Anastasia doing the nasty... I think I need it too..." I yell.

"Wait a sec, you saw 50 Shades?" She grins.

"Yeah, Kalynn made me." I say weakly.

"So did I."

"Lemme guess. You bought the DVD on sale just so you could skip to all the sex scenes?" I smile. She turns bright red and suddenly punches me in the stomach.

"OW!" I yell.

"Don't ever speak of that. You hear me, Lippy?" She stares.

"Yeah, Yeah, c'mon, Bianca wants you home by 11." I laugh.

"Fiiiiiiine. Can we get guacamole first though? I've had a craving since this morning.'' She laughs.

"Are you on your period babe?" I ask once we're in the car.

"Listen, how would you feel if you woke up in a puddle of your own blood?" She asks.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that if I don't stop talking, I'm gonna find out..." I say.

"Smart child."

"I'm A year and four months older than you!" I say.

"Doesn't mean you're not stupid..." She sighs, unbuckling as we pull into the driveway.

"Stuff it." I say.

She runs over to my side and opens the door so she can kiss me.

"NOW THATS GOING ON THE GRAM!" Mario yells from the door.

"Whatever, Yoshi..." Auggie laughs, walking to the door.


this was gonna be longer but i 

got guack n then thats so raven

came on and thats my show so...

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