|"we're in a fanfiction??!1!1 (hate pt. 2) "the stripper!!1!1!"|

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Bianca's POV

It's currently 4:16 AM, and I'm in Auggie's bathroom with her. Don't ask me why, but that's where we decided to sleep. Only problem? I can't. She went upstairs with Mario for a few minutes, then came back downstairs. She's currently passed out in the bathtub, while I'm sitting on the counter, contemplating whether or not I should go upstairs with Hunter or stay here.

I'm gonna go up with Hunter.

As I reach the last step, I hear Weston's ragged voice.

Has he been crying?

"Mario, I need to talk to you." He says.

"Sure, what about?" Mario responds.

"I--I don't know if I can do this anymore..."

"What do you mean, Wes?"

"I--How can I be strong for August, how can I tell her it's gonna be okay, how can I tell her she needs to stop, if I can't even believe this myself? I don't know what to do anymore man." He whispers.

"Bro. It was a one-time thing. You're not gonna do that again. Hopefully. You were just feeling that way, and you thought you couldn't talk to us about it, so you resorted to cutting. What do you do? You be strong. You take a fucking chonce, and you say what you're feeling. You look August in the eye, and you say it's not gonna be okay, and you tell her you don't know what's gonna happen. And if you do know what's gonna happen, or you know it will be okay, then you tell her. Say the honest truth. Don't lie to Auggie. She's one of my best friends, and I know for a fact, that she doesn't wanna be lied to. I know you guys can make it though. OTP Wes, OTP." Mario says.

That has to be the sweetest, deepest thing I've ever heard come out of anyone's mouth.

"Bianca! Get in here!" Weston yells.

I slowly open the door to Auggie's room to see Weston and Mario on Auggie's bed, Hunter sleeping on the floor on his back, his arms and legs sprawled around awkwardly.

"How much did you hear, B?" Mario rolls his eyes.

"Um.. All of it?"

"Bian--" Weston starts.

"I won't tell Auggie, I promise." I cut him off.

"Tell me what?!" Auggie's voice yells through the door, the sound muffled.

She bursts through the door, looking between the three of us suspiciously.

"I-Well, it's kinda private Babe. Bianca wasn't even supposed to hear this conversation. She was eavesdropping and heard us talking though..." Weston says quickly.

"Well why are you bright red then? Why can't I know? I mean, Bianca knows. Why can't you tell me?" She says, not buying it, even though Weston's telling the truth.

"I'll tell you.." He gives in.

"I just don't know how I can tell you it's all going to be alright, and you can stay strong, and try not to cut, when I can't even do that, I don't know if it's gonna be alright, and I sure as hell can't stay strong! I'm sorry A, I just didn't want you to think I was pathetic or something..." He says.

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