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 Weston's POV


Wes-Ton-Sucks! Wes-Ton-Sucks!"

"Why is he even famous? He should just drink bleach..."

"This kid is a waste of air..."

"To be honest, I only came to this M&G to hate on him..."

"I saw Mario's video today, and he said OurJourney is only using him for subscribers, but then he deleted it.."

"Honestly, I dont even understand how he can live with himself..."

"Everyone hates you Weston!"

I shoot up from bed, recalling all the terrible hate I conjured up in my nightmare.

"Weston? Are you okay?" Mario groans.

"I-I don't think so..." I whisper.

"Bro, what happened?" Mario says walking over to me.

"D--Don't touch me!" I say, backing away from him.

"Woah... Okay, do you want me to wake Auggie up?" He says, taken aback by my previous statement.

"I--Sure." I say stiffly.

He walks downstairs and returns shortly after with August behind him.

"Whats wrong, Boo Thang?" She asks me, sitting next do me.

"I.. Mario, can you go please?" I start.

"Um, I guess? Wes, you tell me everything? What's wrong? Please tell me Weston." He pleads.

"Fine. Just... Don't get mad." I sigh.


"So I had this dream... well it was more of a nightmare actually..." I start.

*Time Skip To After Weston Tells Them Everything*

"And so I mean, the hate... Its just too much for me sometimes. I don't know if I can take it anymore guys." I finish..

The hate, both the real, and made-up, starts swirling around my head, and a few tears slip out.

"Hey. You're gonna be okay. Look at August, and me, and Mark, and Ariel, and Zach, and Loren, and Nick, and everyone else on social media. We all get hate, but we made it through. We're all fighting, and we're winning. You have incredible supporters, and they love you. For every one hater, there's like twenty supporters to back you up. There's no need to cry. You'll make it through too." Mario says gently.

"I-but... I don't know if I will make it through." I say, looking up at a blurry Mario due to my crying.

"What do you mean?" He asks me, his eyes slightly widened.

I pull up my sleeve and show them both my recent cuts.

"Weston...When did that happen? I-I thought you said you stopped last year?" Auggie asks shakily.

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