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 Auggie's POV (sorry guys)

It's currently four o'clock PM at my place. The squad and O2L just came home from a day of random fun. We went to the waterpark, shopping, filmed a few YouTube videos, did some challenges, and hung out on Hunter and Brandon's lawn just talking about random stuff. When we came back, only Weston, Bianca, me, and Hunter came back to my house. Everybody else went home to ''visit'' their family since we all basically live at my place now...

My phone rings.

''Hello?'' I answer.

''Hello, is this August Winters?'' A male voice responds.

'' Um... yeah, who's calling please?''

''I'm Joseph Levitide, I am calling to tell you that I am sorry for your loss, Ms Winters.''

'' W-what loss?'' I ask. With that, everyone comes over to my bed and listens intently.

'' You see, your parents were on a buisness trip to Europe, am I correct?'' He asks.

'' Y-yes''

'' Well sweetheart, I am afraid your parents' plane crashed, and only about 30 out of 100 people survived it, all severely injured. Your parents, Nicole and Joey Winters, were not part of that thirty. I am terribly sorry. I hope you can get through this.'' He explains to me.

'' What the fuck? Nononono. Matthew Lee Espinosa, get the fuck off that phone now!'' I say, tears starting to blur my vision.

'' This is not a prank dear. I am so sorry for your loss. I have to go now. Bye Sweetie.'' He replies solumnly. He hangs up a few seconds later.

''Oh... oh my God!'' I say, tears falling down my face faster and faster.

'' August what the fuck happened? Who was on the phone?'' Weston says worriedly.

'' My-my parents. They-- theyre dead. P-plane crash.'' I say as another sob racks my body.

''Oh my God Im so sorry Augs. C'mere.'' Bianca says, pulling us into a group hug.

'' Its gonna be okay Cutie.'' Hunter says.

'' Babygirl i'm so sorry. C'n I take her?'' Weston asks Bianca.

'' Of course. Me and Hunter'll get you two some food and stuff. Love you Auggie.'' She says.

I just cry into Weston's shirt.

'' Hey, it's gonna be okay. They're in a better place now. Ssh.'' He whispers.

'' But it's not okay! It's all my fault! I wasn't even paying attention to anything but myself! And now I'll never get to see them again...'' I sob.

'' Hey. That was not your fault August. You were just being a teenager. You're the last person to care about yourself. Dont think like that.'' He nudges me.

'' Im sorry. It's just... they were supposed to stop leaving the house after this trip. They were supposed to stop leaving me. But, see, that's just what they did. That's what everyone does. It's pointless to even care anymore, when I'm just going to be abandoned.'' I cry.

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