Pocky and Anime [boyxboy] (Watty Awards 2011 Update)

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Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, you're pissed about the whole 'not uploading' thing....but I'm stuck in a major writing block. So, sorry about the whole....that stuff. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHENESS

Anyway....I'm sorry. Anyway, peace. I'm trying to right, trust me. Be happy! Live long! Oh, and live by this quote!!!!

Revenge tastes sweet when a fist and jaw meet.

Read that in a Naruto Fanfic. I forget which one but whoever you are, that is soooo freaking awesome!!!!

Anyway, peace~!


Pocky and Anime [boyxboy] (On Hold Due to Severe Writers Block)Where stories live. Discover now