Pocky and Anime [boyxboy] Chapter 2

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~Xander’s POV~

“Hey boy.” I murmured as I opened the door to my apartment. My blue healer, Rex, barked and licked my hand before heading over to the living room and sitting down in the recliner while I flopped back onto the couch.

I was barely relaxing for a minute before there was a knock on the door. I just ignored it, closing my eyes.

“Man! Open up! I know you’re here!” Jason yelled and I sighed, calling to him.

“Doors open! Lock it!”

I heard the door open then the twisting of the lock before Jason came in wearing some jeans and his football jersey. Damn it. Can’t I rest for a moment?

“What?” I growled, resting my arms over my head.

“We’re playing Black Ops. The DeathReaper and BloodEye are back. We’re taking them down.” He ordered and I scowled.

“The rulers of the Jungle? Are you crazy?!”

“No! But I want to defeat them! Have you seen the river after they quit for the night?! It’s full of over two hundred people! No, way more than that! Like a thousand! I heard they kill themselves when they run out of ammo and then just go right back! The trail leading to the bridge is even stocked full of people!” He ranted and I sighed, rolling over to face away from him.

“Not tonight dude. Practice got me worn out.”

“How is it any different than yesterday?! We had practice then!”

“That was when you kept me up until midnight playing the damn game and I couldn’t sleep.” I growled, glaring at him and he sighed, patting Rex’s head.

“Fine, fine. I’ll go home. Tomorrow we’re playing though.” He ordered, pointing at me sternly and I grunted. He took that as an agreement and headed out. I sighed in relief when I heard the door close and pulled myself up, locking the door and stripped from my clothes as I headed into my room. I pulled on my black pajama pants before turning off the lights and climbing into bed. Rex curled up at the other side of the bed and I instantly fell asleep, even if it was five thirty.

Too bad I had to wake up again at eight to learn I left something in the lockers rooms and head back.

~Skylar’s POV~

“Can we go home?!” Hanna whined.

“Go ahead. I have to try this out and then fix any problems.” I sighed, raking a hand through my hair. I had taken off my hat when we started moving the lighting into the gym and boy was it a pain.

“I’ll walk her out.” Akuma told me, probably sensing my annoyance. It wasn’t at Hanna, no, I understood she was tired. It was nine o’ clock. I just was getting pissed off at the stupid system that didn’t want to seem to work.

And if Hanna didn’t stop leave, she was going to be the target of my foul mood.

I watched as they headed out of the gym before pulling my shirt off with a growl and getting to work installing the stupid strobe lights again. Damn it, couldn’t they get a decent AC for the gym?!

“Work god damn it!” I ordered, hitting it then yelped, stepping back and fell on my ass off the step ladder, my arm bleeding and the light still not working.

“Damn you lights!” I yelled, flopping onto my back with a sigh. I breathed deeply for a moment before rubbing a hand across my face and felt the drop of blood. My eyes snapped open and I looked at the two inch long gash. Fuck, that’s right. I’m bleeding. At least it didn’t look deep enough for stitches or other major things.

Pocky and Anime [boyxboy] (On Hold Due to Severe Writers Block)Where stories live. Discover now