"I don't know why you're even getting paid, Jinhwan," I huffed jokingly. "Fine I'll get the food myself," I said as I jumped out of bed. Right then, the door bell rang, echoing throughout the house. "But you get that!"

"The door?!? I'd rather get you food," he protested.

"Nu uh! Too late the offer already expired," I exclaimed as I sprinted out of my room and into the kitchen. "Get the door!"

"But I'm dressed like this!!!"

"No one will know it's you! I promise," I giggled as I rummaged through the contents of the fridge, debating if I should get fat or really fat.


Jinhwan's POV

I huffed as I made my way to the door, trying to act as girly as possible. No one can know about me in this attire T~T

I took a deep breath before I swung the door open and prepared my highest pitched voice. "Hi, this is the Y/L/N residence! How can-"

My voice got cut off as I stared at the visitors in front of me. My parents... are here in front of me. "Are you okay?" They both peered at me with concern, but I just attempted to smile again.

"Oh, um of course! How can we help you today?" I narrowed my eyes at them, wondering what business they had in such a neighborhood. They never blended in with their upper class friends much.

"We were just wondering if the owners of the house are available right now?" My dad nodded while tightening his tie. He never dressed up either. How suspicious.

"No, they're not home," I managed to reply in a girly tone. I tilted my head, cocked an eyebrow at them, and widened my eyes until they were about to fall out of my sockets, trying to scare them away with my creepy expression.

They both gave each other a look before my mom prodded, seemingly unfazed by my facial expression, "where are they, if I may ask?"

"Um... they're in Europe at the moment. I can take any messages you have for them." I returned to my normal face but narrowed my eyes at them suspiciously.

My mom shook her head vigorously from side to side. "So who is staying here currently?" She eyed me curiously before moving her head to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of the interior.

I gulped, wondering if they knew about my whereabouts but managed to block her view of the house. "Just me and their daughter, ma'am."

They gave each other another look, making me feel uncomfortable. They're definitely planning something. "Interesting," my dad eventually muttered. "No one else lives here?"

They're definitely on to me. I felt perspiration begin to form along my forehead as I panicked. "No, sir. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," my mom interjected immediately. "But does the house get a lot of visitors? For the girl?"

Just then, Y/N called out from the kitchen. "What's taking you so long? I want to eat this, but I'm lonely!"

I swallowed in relief and gave them a nervous smile. "Sorry, I have to go attend to the girl."

They nodded curtly before stepping down the steps. They turned around and waved to me kindly, making me furrow my eyebrows in disgust and confusion. They never acted like this to me, and it was definitely uncomfortable and unnerving.

With that, I watched them venture off the steps clumsily, finding their way back to the main street, obviously new to the area.

Y/N appeared next to me with a carton of ice cream and a bag of chips. "What was that? Who were they?"

"Nothing," I said, unsure of what I should tell her.

She quirked an eyebrow at me, clearly skeptical. She pointed her spoon at me accusingly and replied, "you can tell me anything, Jinhwan. I'm stuck with you, remember?"

"I know," I said as I nodded, avoiding her eyes.

"But I won't force you," she continued, handing me a spoon. "You can tell me whatever whenever," she shrugged.

I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful she understood my inner turmoil. I think I'll tell her anyways after we eat our fill of junk food.

I gave her a small nod again, taking the spoon and reaching for the ice cream carton. She pulled it away from me and shook her head at me like I was being scolded. She pointed at the kitched counter where a small bowl was sitting.

"That one's yours."

I frowned at her as I watched her make her way to the theater, making sure she was out of sight before I smiled, letting my heart jump just a little.

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