part fourteen

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The first task was here and Harry was terrified.

"Dragons, bloody dragons! I can't believe this! They are only teena-"

"Atticus, I don't think you're helping." Hermione whispered to the rambling girl whose arm was interlocked with hers.

Atticus sighed and moved towards Harry cautiously. Slowly grabbing his hand, she gave him a nervous yet calming smile. It seemed to instantly put Harry's frantic nerves at ease.

"You'll do great, Harry. I know it." Atticus reassured him. Leaning forward, she placed a warm kiss upon his pale cheek.

While Hermione gave him words of encouragement and a deathly tight hug, all Harry could think about was that damned kiss. Though it didn't seem like much, it put Harry on top of the world. It was in that moment when Harry knew that he would do his best to be okay for Atticus.

It would always be for her.

Atticus and Hermione rushed forward, pushing through the sea of students trying to find a seat. Finally, the two girls stopped and Hermione sat on one side of Ron while Atticus settled herself on his other side. Ron glanced curiously at the unknown girl clad in Gryffindor clothes next to him.

"Who are you?" Ron asked bluntly.

Atticus' eyes widened in surprise. "A-Atticus, Atticus Wilde."

Ron raised an eyebrow and was about to reply when Hermione hit his arm and began to whisper in his ear harshly. Ron's eyes widened once again at the words Hermione told him (surely about Atticus). After Hermione pulled away, Ron's face was bright red and apologetic.

"Uh, sorry, if i was- I didn-" Hermione had once again hit his arm, her eyes were wide and had worry written all over her face."Ow! Blimey Hermi- Oh."

Atticus turned and followed her new friends gazes. A shocked gasp escaped her lips. It was like all of the air in her lungs disappeared. There stood, in all of its glory, was a Hungarian Horntail. By far the most vicious dragon Atticus had ever seen. While Ron rambled on about the dragon and his brother, Charles or something, Atticus focused on Harry's slowly approaching figure. The audience was deathly quiet, as if any sudden movements or loud sounds would be the end of Harry Potter as they knew it.

Atticus held her breath as she watched Harry strategize against the dragon, contemplating his next move. Her heart raced with adrenaline as she watched him summon his broom and soar away from the beast, only for it to break from the chains that held it captive and follow him.

The suspense was killing everyone. Atticus' eyes welled with tears of anxiety as she watched the sky for any sign of the boy who stole her heart.

Atticus's heart soared when she saw Harry zoom back to the ring and scoop the egg into his slightly singed arms.

The Gryffindor common room was absolutely chaotic. The students all gathered around the cherished golden egg. Chants of "open it" had erupted around Harry as he held the egg in the air. He asked rhetorically, "Should I open it?" The crowd cheered in agreement. He slowly opened the egg. A screeching filled the air as Harry struggled to close it again.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked loudly, still covering his ringing ears. Harry met his eyes and tensed slightly. This small action didn't go unnoticed by Ron.

"Uh, sorry mate. For y'know being stupid and not believing you." He muttered and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Harry grinned and brought him into a large hug. The crowd cheered once again and proceeded on with the celebration of the youngest victor of the tri-wizard tournament.

After releasing Ron, Harry caught the eyes of Atticus. It was as if time stood still and it was just the two of them. It was like he was just Harry and she was just Atticus.

Harry quickly walked towards him, his smile growing brighter and more genuine.

"He-umfh" Harry had interrupted her by enveloping her into his arms. He sighed in content as Atticus nuzzled her head into his shoulder and hugged him just as tightly. She mumbled, "I'm glad you're alive", but it seemed to fall onto deaf ears. Harry smiled into her hair and kissed the top of her head.

Harry had no worries in this moment. At least, not when the girl he loved was in his arms.


To the Boy Who Lived | H. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now