Weirdness comes in twos.

Start from the beginning

"Wow." He breathed, "I have so many questions I want to ask you."


"Come on please?" Tyler begged, "I'm new at this and seeing as your like a bazillion years old you would know."

"Fine, spit it out," I sighed, scowling. "And I'm not a bazillion years old," I muttered irritably."That's something you need to work on."

At least he's forgotten what I was talking to myself about.

"First, what can I be affected by. Seeing as I'm now two species and both of them have weaknesses."

I brang my hands together and then out again, creating an invisible air bubble, of sorts. It create a barrier so that  no one else but myself and Tyler could hear the conversation.

No need to make it public knowledge about a Hybrids weaknesses, I thought.

"Well, because your both Werewolf and Vampire, you will be affected by both vervain and wolfsbane," I told him.

I thought about telling him if he took small doses of both plant each day, then he could build a higher intake level to the toxins, but the compelling advantage would be lost for my part.

So I decided against the idea.

"Okay, next question." I rolled my eyes, "I do live forever right?"

"No you die at thirty," I scoffed. "Yes Tyler, you get to live forever. Being a Vampire does that to you, the only difference with us is if we bite another Vampire they'll die, we can turn into Wolves, we're affected by not one but two plants and our eyes are gold when our faces go all vampy when we're about to bite someone." I said.

Wow, no one told this poor kid anything.

"Right, if I say, for arguements sake, bite an Original Vampire. Would that kill them?"

I gave him a look. "Seriously Tyler? What type of question is that. But to answer it anyway, no it won't kill them, it'll only make them very angry and you'll die."


"What," I said, finishing the remainder of my drink.

"Do you know how to break the sire bond, between myself and Klaus?" He asked hesitantly.

I turned on my stool to face him completely, I knew how to break the sire bond between them, obviously, but I didn't know whether or not I should tell him.

It wasn't hard to predict what would happen. He was going to run away do what was necessary then come back, sire bond free.

Like a plague, he'll pretend to do as Klaus says, all the while, influencing the other Hybrids and getting them free.

Klaus will find out and kill them all, blah, blah, blah, then it would by only him and I left. Elena has a short lifespan, judging by her inability to just not make a drama of something.

Predicting skills are on point today.

"No." I muttered, turning to face the front again.

"Wait, what do you mean? Please Aria, I know you know something. Tell me, because I can't handle this." Tyler pleaded pathetically.

I could of laughed, if I wasn't in such a sappy as hell mood.

Damn it to hell.

"Look," I sighed, "I may know something about breaking a sire bond. Sire bonds are generally very rare, however, not in Hybrids. The only things I know about it is irrelevant to you, I apologise."

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