11-Shopping!~ Alexandra Evans

Start from the beginning

I haven't talked to Harry in months, same for Ron. Hermione I talk to every once and while since she helps me out with my school work so much. Not that I always need it. I'm almost at the top of all the class, I can do almost any spell I'm given on the first try. Sirius said that I was as talented as my mother was. It really made me happy when he told me that. 

Dumbledore, Lupin and pretty much every other teacher didn't trust me. Mostly Lupin and Dumbledore though. The other teachers, except for McGonagall and Snape, were more afraid of me then anything. They are almost always watching me. It'd gotten a lot harder to go talk to Sirius, I went when ever I could. When I did go I brought as much food as I could so that he didn't starve out in the forest. 

The Christmas break was starting that day, most students had left on the train that morning. Only a handful of students were left. Sadly including Harry, Ron, Hermione and myself. There were still the four tables but they were practically empty. The day was Christmas Eve and I was busy thinking about what to get everyone. If I could find the money to do so. I was broke and I didn't even know if my mom had a vault at Gringotts that I could go to so I could have money. 

"Sirius! You really didn't have to do that," I told him. He had gotten me a bag full of Galleons to spend in Hogsmeade. Sirius had a full smile on his face though at my expression. It was the best present I'd ever gotten from some one, the first one in five years too.  

"It's your Christmas present, from your mother's vault actually. I knew that you wouldn't have gotten to go there yet since you were stuck here," he explained. I had the biggest smile ever on my face at the moment. I reached forwards and pulled Sirius into a hug, my eyes had a few tears of joy running down them. I hadn't gotten a Christmas present in years, the ones that I had gotten from my mom were small. We were a poorer family so we didn't have the money to spare. 

"Thank you so much. Now let's go to Hogsmeade so I can go Christmas shopping!" I exclaimed happily to him. He smiled before turning into his animagus form, a black dog. I allowed him to lead the way since I hadn't sneaked off to Hogsmeade before. Every time I'd decided to stay behind with Sirius or I had work to do for classes. 

We took a tunnel under the Whooping Willow into the Shrieking Shack. From there we walked to Hogsmeade to do the shopping I needed to do. I looked down at my shopping list while I walked with Snuffles, yes I called him Snuffles when he was a dog. He didn't agree with it but I told him that it fitted him perfectly. 

Christmas List 

-Hermione: Ancient Runes Made Easy 

-Harry: Broom Maintenance Kit (Padfoot said something about getting him a new broom) 

-Ron: Sweets from Honeydukes 

-Fred and George: Jokes and tricks from Zonko's Joke Shop 

-Ginny: Sweets from Honeydukes 

-Neville: Flesh-Eating Trees Of The World 

-Lupin: A calendar with the full moons circled 

-Dumbledore: Socks 

-Padfoot: A new collar that said 'Snuffles' and a watch that doubled as a communicator 

Yes I was getting Dumbledore socks, Sirius said something about him always wanting them. I was getting Lupin the calender since I wanted to freak him out, Sirius said that was the best way to get him freaked out. I didn't understand it but he was closer to him then I was. Most of the gifts I was going to give were going out secretly. I could let them think that I cared, even if I did. By using the owl postage with the school I could send them out quickly and easily. 

I had heard about these really cool watches that doubled as walkie-talkies. That way Sirius could contact me if he ever needed anything. We had been troubled trying to get him some food everyday. I knew that the solution would be perfect.  

Walking around Hogsmeade with Snuffles was actually easy, no one gave me a second look. A few stores were no dogs allowed so I shopped for his presents there. The sun was starting to set by the time the shopping was finally done. I had shrunken everything so that it fit into a backpack, the same one I had brought with me when I went out to the forest. 

"Thanks for coming with me Sirius, I'll come back again tomorrow morning with some food," I promised him. I had a full smile on my face, I had gotten to spend the whole day with my godfather, who was practically my best friend. 

"Sounds good, now get up there and enjoy your Christmas Eve," he told me. I shot him one last smile before I walked back up to the school. When I got to the Great Hall I found that there were still a few people walking in. I was happy that I wouldn't stand  out.

There was one big table instead of the four different ones at the time. Dumbledore probably thought that there wasn't any need for the three extra tables when everyone could fit comfortable at one. 

I sat down at one of the emptier ends and started to eat, I once again had my blank expression plastered over my face. While I ate I ignored everyone else at the table, they were talking about Sirius again. They just needed to let it go! He was innocent and that was that. If only they would listen to his story they would realize he was telling the truth. 

The second I finished eating I left to go up to the common room, I hadn't wanted to stay there and listen to them insult him. I stayed there in the common room until everyone else had gone off to bed, at which point I went around and put all the presents in the right spots. I sent the others away with owls to be given to the people. It was a lot of work but I had finished before midnight came around. 

Once I finished I actually just fell asleep in the common room. I was just too tired to go up to my room. It was way too far for some one who was as tired as I was.


Okay, so I'm in an okay mood and thought it would good luck to update today. In truth I'm just bored and frustrated with my Wattpad app on my IPod. I'm more than ready to smash it was a hammer after the day I've had. I had less than 10 minutes to get ready to school, with having to pack extra stuff for a cross country race that afternoon. Long story short, today's only good part was the fact that I got some extra sleep. Please enjoy the story!

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