The Dark Trio - Jessica

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*edited 4th February 2017*

Hi I'm Jessica Snape-Black. My dad is Severus Snape. But since he left when I was only one, my godfather Sirius black raised me. Sadly he left to azkaban for murder. I don't know what to believe when it comes to my Godfather, but I don't really care, after all it's not like I'm the one in azkaban.

Anyway I live with my uncle, Uncle Remus. I found out not long ago that he was a werewolf, and that every full moon he ties himself to chains in the basement of the small house we live in. I'm usually never in the house when that happens though because he always makes me stay in a small cabin further away. The cabin only has a small bed, pillows, a fireplace, small kitchen and a small bathroom.

Tonight I am getting ready to see the Malfoys, uncle Remus is taking me but he isn't staying, the Malfoys seem to not like half-breeds but that dosn't matter, because uncle Remus said that he needs to find another job after all It's very hard for him to find one.
It gets hard sometimes for my uncle, when he is out finding a job since there has been a lot of shops refusing to hire a half-breed, not that it's his fault. It could never be his fault.

But of course some people would think it's his fault, the people who hate half-breeds or most commonly known as the pure bloods which I am. But I'm not like the others, I'm not obsessed with what kind of blood people have.

I have read about Hogwarts in the many books that uncle Remus has from his times there. I absolutely love potions, I'm also so excited for flying class, to be able to feel the wind flow through my hair as I race through the sky sounds exhilarating. But I think that Defence against the dark arts would one of my favourite classes, even if I'm not the best at it. I have read up on a lot of the famous wizards and a lot of them turned out to either be in Gryffindor and slytherin while they had their time at Hogwarts. There was also a lot of pure bloods (not that I would care).

Anyway as I get ready for the dinner I look in my closet for a sensible dining outfit. Most of my clothes are either, shorts, tights and tops. So finding a dress should be very hard. Especially when everything in the Malfoys is dark and cold and well not very inviting.
Finally after what seems like hours but was only ten minutes I give up on finding a dress and pick a black tank top, grey slightly above knee length skirt, white leggings and black combat boots. I tuck my tank top into the skirt to make it look like a somewhat dress and I grab my locket from the dresser.

Oh yes about this locket. I can't remember ever receiving it but I do know that it is mine. Mainly because it can only open at my touch and that it has a picture of my dad (yes my real one) and my mum when she was pregnant with me. I do really miss her, she died a year after I was born. I keep on thinking that it was my fault but Remus tells me it isn't.
It also has a small catchphrase at the bottom that says, 'when in need of hope, follow your heart'.

I smile as I close my locket and carefully put it around my neck. I then grab my hairbrush and a couple hair ties and start brushing through my long dark brownish hair, it goes down to my waist. After five minutes my hair is semi decent and I put it into a high pony tail. I look in the mirror and smile at my reflection.

I look into my brownish grey eyes and for a second it feels like I am looking into my mothers eyes. I smile at myself and nod my head as if telling myself I'll be alright. Once I finish checking everything I turn to my door and open it. But not before looking back at my mirror.

What it's not everyday that I can go out dressed like this. Because my uncle would kill me if it wasn't for a special occasion.

Authors note:





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