Books, fever, im not a diva!- Jessica

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It was mid December at Hogwarts and Christmas was coming, and it was freezing, the lake had froze to solid ice and the grounds at Hogwarts were usually covered in several feet of very cold snow in the mornings. Everyone couldn't wait for the holidays to start, and if it was anything like Halloween then their would be a huge feast that the students were looking forward to.

The Weasley twins, with the exception of their pranked in training, Jessica, had already gotten themself in trouble by pranking Oeofessor Quirrell, they had bewitched snowballs that would follow the professor wherever he went, and made then bounce off the back of his strange turban.

Not many owls could survive this weather but the few that made it into the great hall at breakfasts had to be nursed back to health by Hagrid, before they could fly out of the castle again. While many over animals stayed in their owners house common rooms where the fire was burning warm and bright and where a group of stay dents sat down huddled infront of the fire trying to keep warm.

The Gryfindor common room always had a blazing fire to keep he people inside warm and so did the great hall, while he corridors and the classrooms became icy and bitter leaving everyone shivering and shaking, well nearly everyone. Jessica would be found walking around the castle looking as joyful as ever. She always loved the cold weather, and the snow. It strangely always meant something significant to her, though she couldn't quite tell what it was that made it so special, maybe it was something to do with her parents.

She would often be found walking normally towards her next class while everyone around her would be running in a tight group with big gloves on and scarfs that showed none of their necks. The classroom Windows would rattle and creak from the unsettled and bitter wind while the dungeons was the coldest of all, everyone dreaded going to potions since it was one of the coldest places in the castles and unluckily it was Proffesor Snapes class room, their breaths were easily visible and the only source of heat was from their cauldrons, meaning that all the students would come out of the classroom cold and bitter/annoyed.

"I do fell so sorry" Draco Malfoy exclaimed in one of the potion classes.
"For all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home" he exclaims as he looks at Harry and Jessica, who both were signed in to stay at Hogwarts during the Christmas holidays. They both ignored them as Crabbe and Goyle chuckled. Jessica who was measuring out powdered spine of lionfish, ignored them both, and Harry turned to work with Ronald, who was getting everything wrong. Jessica was sitting next to Luna but Luna was concentrating, she never really cared about this class anyway, but Jessica on the other hand found this the most interesting class out of all of them.

People often made fun of Jessica (the Slytherin's) because of her love for the subject, after all she was the best in the class with Hermione following in a semi close second. Though something was different about Jessica during this lesson, she was burning and when Luna touched her arm she flinched back in pain. Jessica however didn't notice until her cheeks were flushed red from her uprising body temperature.
Others would question her asking if she was ok, to which she replied with a yes and go away, after all the warmth was making her grumpy.

While Luna on the other hand was deathly pale, more pale then she usually was and it was bothering her, her head hurt and strangely she was still warm despite how cold her skin felt, it was as if her body was dead but her mind and soul weren't. Others noticed but didn't question it, after all most people themselves were shivering from the cold.

Later in the day (after potions class) Jessica was late to meeting her friends with Hagrid, first she was caught up when Fred and George offered to take her to the nurse when the found her hunches over leaning against a wall in a random corridor. She kindly declined saying that she had just been running all over the castle, so they went on their way. Next as she was nearing outside she bumped into Malfoy, to which caused Jessica to let out lots of 'choice words'. She soon left him their and went outside, she was grateful for the snow, it did help her headache a little bit though she was still hurt. As Jessica found her friends she saw that Malfoy and Snape were also their, Malfoy looked smug, while everyone else was angry, Jessica felt her blood boil as she ran over to see what was going on. To say she was angry was an understatement, she was beyond furious at Snape and Malfoy. And before she could say anything she was whisked away by Proffesor Snape. She sent a sorry towards Luna who accepted it, and followed Snape into the corridors.

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